Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death

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Thanks for your patience! I've updated at last, not because people kept asking me to *side eyes commenters for that* but because my darling alma gemea asked me to. And she's the only one I care about listening to in such cases. Therefore! Here is the next chapter! Only 9 months late lmao.

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
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Rhea frowned, "So to summarize what happened... you went to school, which is a place mortals go to learn things, your friend was harassed, you were blamed for defending him, you were attacked by the terror Erinys, and then you killed her and a new teacher seemed to appear out of nowhere..."

"Yeah that covers it."

Iapetus was studying the book. "Such a fascinating thing. You know, we don't have these in our time. Or at least not like this."

Annabeth perked up, "Oh! That's true, we're before books were invented."

"Wait if books weren't invented how did they read?" Leo wondered.

"Well for the most part they didn't- er don't? Anyways, they used Linear A in this time... I think? And-"

"The language isn't called Linear A?" Kronos said with a frown.

"Well we don't know the name in the future, so it's called Linear A and Linear B for the later form. Linear B was only able to be translated in the last hundred years I believe. We still can't understand Linear A, or well the mortals can't but I believe that some demigods may be able to-"

"Annabeth," Thalia laughed. "I will listen to you ramble about languages later, but for now we should hurry up and read. The sooner we're done the sooner we can go home."

Annabeth sighed, "Okay fine... the point is they use stone tablets to write nowadays."

Themis nodded, "She is correct. Iapetus will you begin reading?"

Iapetus blinked and quickly flipped back towards the start.

"Did you skip ahead!?" Octavian cried.

"Just a bit. What's a step-dad?"

Percy groaned, "Oh no we're gonna read about Gabe."

Grover waved his hand, "We'll explain when we reach it in the story. Read?"

Iapetus cleared his throat and began.

"I was used to the occasional weird experience... ...a perky blonde woman whom I'd never seen in my life until she got on our bus at the end of the field trip – had been our maths teacher since Christmas."

"So that's Ms. Kerr..." Hyperion muttered.

"Don't interrupt me," Iapetus chided. "I'm trying to read."

"You interrupted dozens of times last chapter?"

"Not the point."

"Children," Kronos said with a sigh. "Sush and read."

"Did you want me to shush? Or to read? Cause I can only do one."

"They act like the Gods," Thalia muttered.

"They had to get it from somewhere," Percy agreed.

"I swear to Khaos-"

"Just read," Rhea interrupted.

"Every so often I would spring a Mrs Dodds reference on somebody... ...Mrs Dodds had never existed."

"Mrs. Dodds would be so insulted that the fear from her attack wasn't bad enough for you to believe it happened," Nico snickered.

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