Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants

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So, I let my tumblr followers vote on what story to update next and this one won. I've been wanting to update it for ages but I kept losing motivation because of all the "update!" comments I got. The next chapter posting depends on you guys! I'm more than willing to post in 3 weeks, 9/15/23... but I won't if I get more of those comments. I had a rule about that on Wattpad for awhile to deal with the sheer volume I got, and I'm adding it here too.

I hate to do it, but those comments kill my motivation to work on this fic so quickly- half the time I was opening the doc to work on this chapter and then I'd get a notification for a comment that would be asking for an update. Don't just ask for an update, tell me that you like the fic, tell me what you enjoy, what's your favorite part? Let me know my work is appreciated and don't just demand I put more out there. I want to hear feedback... as long as it's actually feedback.

Ex. of what isn't helpful, in case it's confusing "Update please!" "Update soon" "please update" "When are you updating?" "Have you abandoned this story?"
Ex. of what is helpful! "This is great!" "I loved [part]" "I can't wait to see what happens [insert thing]" "[heart emoji]"

Anyways, I have started on the next chapter and should commenters not demand updates I will be updating 9/15 (the anniversary of the update before this one, cause I think I"m hilarious). I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's a solid twenty pages once more and has more shenanigans.

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
Come chat with me on discord:


Rhea insisted on handing out snacks and drinks to all the teenagers before they began the next chapter. There were various breads and fruits, some of the fruits had interesting spices on them that none of the teenagers seemed to recognize.

The boy, Percy, was nibbling on it while assuring his partner and the satyr that he was okay. The others seemed rather worried as well, and Rhea could not blame them. The Fates snipping a thread was no laughing manner.

Yes, the Fates did so often, it was their duty, but for Them to show such? Well, that was rare.

That was dangerous.

She could not help feeling fond of the boy though, he was sweet and reminded her of her husband. She was rather certain Percy was not Kronos' child, but he was undoubtedly related to Him.

She would not wish suffering upon him.

Hyperion claimed the book from Iapetus as everyone ate and Rhea tried to figure out how many more chapters they could get through before needing to stop for a proper meal.

With the rate they were getting through them... probably only a few more, four max. It wasn't exactly early in the day when they started, it was nearing time for a midday meal for the children.

They would probably be able to get through more in the afternoon, but she didn't want the children just sitting there the whole time, so she might suggest letting them take a break before dining.

They didn't know this area or time, perhaps she could arrange for them to see some of the area?

"Alright!" Hyperion called, drawing the attention. "I think it's time to continue reading, you're welcome to snack as we read. Iapetus, don't interrupt."

"You interrupted me!"

"Now then," he cleared his throat. "Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants."

"Thank Khaos," Krios declared. "Those things are hideous."

Annabeth burst into giggles and Grover groaned, dropping his head against the couch.

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