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I promised this fic to a few people so here we are :D

Come yell at me on tumblr: Percabeth4Life

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The Titan council gathered on Mt. Othrys, whispers going through the room as they wondered at why they had been called together.

It had been some years since the last full council, they only called a full one when necessary, otherwise they simply met in groups to handle any situations.

Rhea settling in the throne next to Kronos, the King of the Titans, leaning over to speak to him.

"Do you know why we were called together?"

"No, the Morai did not see fit to inform me yet."

She frowned, her chiton shifting as she leaned forward, "Do you think there is some danger to come?"

Kronos smiled gently at her, "I'm certain it is nothing so horrible. Perhaps they simply have an announcement to make."

As the last Titan sat on their throne the room darkened, three old women appearing in the center of the room.

Kronos rose, stepping down from his throne and bowing to the women, "Welcome to Mt. Othrys Morai, may you find comfort in our home while you stay."

The Morai nodded, accepting the proffered bread, "Thank you for having us."

Kronos stepped back, sitting once more on his throne.

The Morai ate the bread, before stepping forward to stand before Kronos.

"What reason did you have for calling us together, Morai?" Kronos leaned forward with a frown to look down at the Morai. "Is there some issue?"

The three old women stood firmly, their power clear. One spoke, "We wish to change the path of the future."

Another nodded, "The future grows dark and the world heads to ruin."

The third finished, "We will supply you with books that will show you the outcome that must be avoided."

"Interfering with the future is forbidden even to you," Kronos said solemnly.

Rhea nodded, "It would defy the balance, leading the world to ruin as well."

"The balance will be lost if we do not act regardless, this path will grant the greatest peace."

Kronos frowned, that doesn't sound good. What was coming in the future that would endanger the world in such a way?

"So, we read some books?" He asked slowly.

"You and the children we will bring forward. Do not harm them, though they may be... upset when they first arrive."

Kronos raised an eyebrow, glancing at Rhea who looked equally confused. Why would the children be upset?

"Did something happen to these children?" He asked.

"Are they injured?" Rhea leaned forward with worried eyes.

"Have patience, all will be revealed in the books," the Morai said.

"Oh," one added. "And spoilers will not be allowed. Do not question the children on what is to come."

With a flash of light, the Morai were gone.

In their place a handful of children, one holding a book.

They looked around, confusion evident on their faces until one of the children's gazes, a boy who looked strikingly similar to Kronos, except the sea-green eyes, on Kronos.

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