twenty seven: wide awake

132 6 0

POV: Luka Milne

All I could think about was sleep. My eyes dragged themselves down and finally, I couldn't be bothered pulling them up again. We had stopped, so I stood, swaying, blinded by fatigue. 

"Luka," Elias whispered to me, "stay awake." He rubbed my arm soothingly, and I felt warm from his care. But the now familiar slither of a sword sliding from its sheath chased the warmth away. 

I opened my eyes, feeling more awake now. Fox studied his double-edged sword casually, brushing a hand against the wide blunt side. Kai sat, but his hand rested against his sword as well. Even Elias kept his hand wrapped around the handle of his. 

Elias stepped closer to me, suddenly pressing his body against my side, one arm wrapping over my shoulders as his other hand pressed a cold hard object in to my hand. He rested his cheek on my shoulder, pressing a kiss to my neck. Fear blossomed through my body. 

For a moment, none of us made a movement. The forest was serene, not a bird nor a breath of wind disturbed the cool quiet. My heart thumped, vibrating my whole chest, and I could barely breathe. What were we waiting for?

It was like an explosion. Dark figures leaped from the trees, and for a moment I thought we were being attacked by a hoard of animals. But the gleam of metal proved otherwise.  The sharp clang of sword on sword reverberated throughout the trees, as both Fox and Kai surrounded Elias and I in a circle of protection. 

I could not make out the features of our attackers, they were covered so that they camouflaged in with the night, I could barely see any of their body. 

Kai shouted something, but I could not make out what. Fox was thrown to the ground, and tried to scramble to his feet, but a figure stood over him, a hand out, keeping him pinned to the ground. Fox's eyes seemed to glow, and he gritted his teeth against whatever force was controlling him. 

"Immortal." Elias breathed, now drawing his sword. Kai was unable to keep his ground. He was surrounded by many of the creatures. Elias deflected the blows from an oncoming attacker, holding me tight behind him. I gripped the dagger Elias had given to me, afraid to use it.

A shadow leapt towards me, and I knew I was going to die. But before it reached me it was thrown away by an unseen forced. I cast my gaze to Fox, but he was now sprawled on the ground, unconscious. 

Please not dead. Don't be dead.

The figure who had overpowered him had vanished. 

Another shadow was unable to reach me. I spun around, and realised Elias had been drawn away from me, and was being circled by the shadows. 

"No!" The word left my mouth, utterly useless. 

Kai was nowhere to be seen, though I could hear the sound of battle not far off. A dark figure stalked towards Fox, drawing a sword to stab him. I threw the dagger in shock, but it deflected off the frame with no effect. Elias dropped his sword, defeated, and the figures did not lash out to finish him off, instead grabbed him, hauling him away. 

The shadow I had thrown my dagger at paused briefly to see that Elias was taken, and crept closer to Fox. It prepared to kill him, and paused again. It suddenly screamed. 

A hooded person appeared from the trees, facing towards the shadowy figure, whose neck flicked to the side and cracked, and then it dropped heavily. 

The trees spun around me as nausea gripped my throat. I fell into soft arms, and white hair floated in to my vision, followed by rainbow eyes, before I blacked out.

So yeah, my writing style has changed a bit I think... sorry... :D

Also, my chapters are pretty short, but I'm hoping to just keep pumping this out, so hopefully you won't be disappointed (as long as you don't mind my new style)

By the way, for those who are confused,  I haven't actually written anything new (other than this chapter and the last chapter) for 6 months, which is why my style has changed. Though I must say, the past six months have felt like a year or two ahahahha!

Oh, and I forgot to say last chapter: Happy new year :)

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