Waking you up

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-Since he is the early bird he wakes you up

-Y/n it is time to wake up

-Waking up is the worst thing ever but hearing his soft voice gives you energy
it is not enough energy to get you out of bed XD what did you think?

-Five minutes, ok?

-When the pancakes are ready you need to get up ok? Or you get no pancakes.

-He didn't even answered to you

-He is making friking pancakes

-After you smell them your belly starts growling so you get out of bed


-Jungwons pancakes are delicious af I mean the boy is not a cook but the award for pancakes goes to him ( maybe he is fr good at making pancakes we will sadly never know 😔 )

-He kisses you and cuddles you because he is proud you got out of bed without he had to repeat himself again

-If only he knew that it was the effect of the pancakes pssshht


Chapter 3 of Midnight Kiss is online 😥😆

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