Confessing his love { 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 }

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-He had thought a long time about how to confess his love. It wasn't fear that made him think for a long time. He was sure that you felt something towards him, why shouldn't you pull your hand away every time he took it in his hands? No. He wanted it to be perfect. Everything, his words, the environment, he even had thought about his clothes.

-But guess what? His plan didn't worked... it was more of a spontaneous decision

So thats how it actually went:


You hung out with your group of friends and went to the cinema. After the movie it was already dark and your friends decided to go home together. Since Jungwon lives near you, he was randomly split up to accompany you. But believe me, even if he lived on the other side of town, he would always want to accompany you home.

The streets were dark and cold. A cold chill ran over your back as you walk on a street where it is even darker because the lampposts are apparently broken. "Are you scared about the movie now" Jungwon teases you. You look up at him and see his teasing grin. You'd like to put that grin off his face if he weren't so cute and you weren't into him. Since it was late and you were quite tired you tell him the truth "what if so? ". He looks back at you with his dark brown eyes that looked even more beautiful today than usual. He smiles warmly at you and approaches you while walking. You look down as he carefully takes your small and cold hand in his big and warm hands. "Don't worry, I'll protect you like the knights who protect their princesses like in fairy tales." He tries in vain to wink at you, which doesn't work and you start giggling softly. After hearing your sweet giggle, he joins in. "Let me know if you need my jacket cause your hands are cold as ice. " his gaze becomes softer and he looks forward again. Although you can't see his face as well because of the darkness, you can tell he's getting more handsome every day. "Jungwon I have a question." "What is it?".

You are sure that you will regret what you are about to say, but your mind has already lost the control of your mouth. "Have you ever had feelings for a girl." You want to hit yourself for it but at the same time you want to find out his answer. "What ? Are you into me" he looks at you with a strangely not teasing look but with one curious. He really wants to know. "Was just a question" you avoid his eyes.
You will be there for about 5 minutes. But somehow you want to walk like that with him for hours. Hand in hand. Just the two of you. Jungwon suddenly stops and you stand, puzzled, "Huh what is it?". He thinks you are so cute. Your slightly pink cheeks from the question before. Your face outlines. Everything harmonizes so perfectly. He looks down at you and comes closer to your face He has to bend down slightly. His hands are in his trouser pockets. His dark curls hang over his forehead. "I like you y / n" he smiles and his dimples appear that look like kisses from angels and then his big, beautiful eyes smile too.

You don't know if your heart has just stopped or if it is beating faster. You can't think clearly at all right now. But of course your beautiful mouth will help you. "I- Jungwon what?" he giggles slightly, "Are you speechless?" he teases you, but this time it feels different. He smiles warmly at you and his big dark brown eyes scan your face for a reaction. "I like you too, Jungwon." You want to withstand his warm gaze but the blush shoots you in the face and you look down while Jungwon breathes out and giggles with relief.

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