Needing him after an argument

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A/n: long time no see hehe 🤡 I'm just so stressed bc of school and guess what? Tomorrow I have like an orally exam in french. In french. ?! What's the problem you might think.. I CANT EVEN PROPERLY SPEAK FRENCH😭 The teachers will stare at me like that: 👁👄👁 expecting me to say smth and I will just sit there like: baguette croissant très bien🤡 ok enough clown talk I better stop RIGHHT HERE-

-You both just had an argument.. and what was da reason? YEAH what was da ducking reason? Idk prolly something very stupid

-You both didn't fight a lot usually.. it's just that jungwon has sometimes (JUST SOMETIMES) this bossy leader vibes and you being you (stubborn) just started arguments..

-It wasn't a big argument because Jungwon usually was very patience, mature and kept it cool

-You on the other hand got sometimes too emotional..

-It is like on the one side a jungwon who thinks logical and on the other side you.. the emotional one that is trying her best to stay logical

-Ofc jungwon isn't an emotionless boy.. he sometimes got mad too but he is too cool to show it cause he can control his emotions very well unlike you

-So there was this argument in the middle of the day and Jungwon wanted to give you some space that's why he left the house (not you just the house;)

-He just went outside

-And you sat there thinking.. this time you didn't cry

-You don't cry that often but still sometimes there is this lonely tear rolling down your face 🥲

-You sat there and the hours passed..

-then you realized that it's getting dark already

-Raindrops started knocking on the windows and everything was fine until you remembered the argument and you knew this time too well that you overreacted a bit

-Yes jungwon was sometimes bossing around but it was usually just because he cared for you

-you opened instagram and saw a fanpost of jungwon and then the tears started rolling down your face

-idk if you're on your period or sumn or just being too emotional but yea

-,,shit.." you sniffed

-You looked at the clock.. it was getting a bit too late

-Where is he?

-Should I.. call him?

-ladies and gents... these ate the toughts of a stubborn lady

-,,Ahh shit what if.." you dialed his number

-After a couple of seconds which felt like an hour jungwon answered ,,Y/n?"

-,,H-Hey" you wanted to sound normal but then your voice cracked and your whines could be heard on the other side of the phone

-Jungwon exhaled loudly ,,Babe"

-That was it.. he didn't call you that often

-,,Am so sowy" you cried ,,Its my fault"

-,,It's okay just wait until I come home alright?" ,,Mhm"

-You waited and it didn't took him too long to open the front door and step in

-You just stayed there, sitting on the couch

-When he walked in you saw his wet hair and his also wet clothes

-He stood in front of you and leaned to your level

-He smiled softly seeing your red eyes and pouty lips

-,,Hey I will change and then we will cuddle okay?" before he could go to change his clothes you grabbed his hand and hugged him ignoring his wet clothes

-,,I promise I won't do that again." you said now in a more stable voice without other cracks

-,,And I will try to not boss you around." he pattet your head and hugged you back

-,,Where did you go?" you asked now being interested where he stayed

-,,To jay" you smiled

-Yeah jaywon is a mood ;)

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