Truth or dare (darkness&kiss)

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Dude my mf story ,,Midnight kiss" has literally 9,9k reads haha like that's so embarrassing I hope y'all read my next story that will be less embarrassing I guess. Soon very soon it's holiday season for me so yeah let's see how much I will update;)


,,Truth or dare?" Sunoo asked smiling mischievously at Jungwon who was just grinning nervously. ,,Dare." he answered after he thought for a while. He did not want to be seen as weak that's why he chose it even though he hated doing embarrassing thins especially in front of y/n. The relationship between him and her was complicated but also not complicated. They were getting along very well but there was this spark between them everybody had noticed. The thing is Jungwon was still a bit too shy to take the first step even though he couldn't wait anymore longer. And y/n.. she waited for him to take the first step being way too shy. You might think Jungwon would be the shyer type but he was just too shy cause he feared making y/n feel uncomfortable because of him.

,,Go in the wardrobe in the other room with y/n for 7 minutes!" sunoo started to smirk and niki shouted ,,UHHHH"

Just like the other boys. It was more like ulala ;) shout & screams. Jungwon looked over to y/n who had big round eyes because of this task but she soon got up and followed him. The boys followed them too cause they wanted to make sure the both are really doing it the right way without cheating.

,,No no no this has to be closed!" sunoo pushed jungwon nearer to y/n who was already in the small wardrobe and then they closed the door walking away with big laughter.

,,Let's wait until they're gone and open the doors,ok?" jungwon said turning his face away from y/n because their faces were just a few centimeters away. ,,Okay" y/n said silently. Even though both were awkward they enjoyed being this close to each other.

,,I think I can open it now." jungwon said and tried to open the door. Fail. They somehow locked them?!

,,Aish" Jungwon started to push it and accidentally hit y/n with his arm. ,,I am sorry!!" he touched her taille rubbing it ,,Are you okay?" y/n just nodded squinting her eyes in the light of her phones flash ,,Yeah yeah I'm fine but why did they lock the door?" ,,They just don't trust us I guess" ,,Hm bad they know us too well." they both giggled suddenly making Jungwon realize his hand were still on her taille. Seeing her here in front of him he looked at her soft lips and back to her eyes. He couldn't wait anymore why should he? Jay always talked to him and encouraged him to make the first step cause that's how girls want it he remembered.

,,You look pretty from afar and up close." he said with a deeper voice the usual trying to sound flirty like jay. But all y/n did was laugh ,,You still need to practice that!!"

,,Then show me!" he tried to wink at her making her almost cry in laughter.

,,No but really how do you flirt?" he asked being now serious ,,Why do you like someone?'' y/n got serious too and looked up in his eyes ,,Or.. do you perhaps like me?" she smirked.

Jungwons eyes were now looking everywhere what's not y/n.

,,You know it's just you need to be natural." she now said ,,How?" ,,Maybe not changing your voice and being honest?" ,,Y/n you are so annoying. Like this?" ,,Noo you idiot!!" y/n squinted her eyes.

,,Like you are cute." ,,Wow y/n I really thought you are better." now it was Jungwons time to laugh.

Y/n just smiled and looked at the clock. ,,Seven minutes are over!" ,,Sunoo hyung!!!" Jungwon tried.

Guess what? Making the situation even more clichee no one answered.

,,What if we will die here?" y/n suddenly said ,,There is not enough oxygen for the both of us." ,,Are you playing a role in a movie or just going dumb?" Jungwon asked ,,Maybe both. Being with you makes me dumber." ,,Oh well cause I am smarter than you are." jungwon smiled and his dimples looked deeper than usual because of the flash light.

Suddenly it went all black. ,,Huh?'' ,,Oh got my phone?!" y/n sighed. She hated being somewhere dark.

,,Yeah u are sad cause you can't see my beautiful face anymore right?" Jungwon joked but there was just silence as an answer.

That's when he felt two small arms wrapping around his waist pulling him closer to her making him startle.

Usually they never had skinship it was just always some flirting and teasing each other.

,,Wha-" ,,Shhh" y/n said. Her face was on his chest and she pulled him even closer to her making their bodies touch.

,,I don't like darkness." she then said to the confused boy. Not that he didn't like it, he was just shocked that y/n made the first step.

He hugged her back and patted her head ,,It's all good I am here." he said getting softer at the girls reaction. He was flustered and also happy.

Suddenly the boy felt something touching his face. ,,Why are you touch-" ,,Psht I think they came.".

Her face was in front of his. They couldn't see each other but they felt the closeness.

Jungwon suddenly got warm. Like really warm. He couldn't even concentrate on the sounds out there it was just him and her. He smelled her parfume and it felt like he got drunk. In a daze he started to come closer to her face. It was too dark to see but then he felt something against his lips. Something unbelievable soft and sweet. Y/n's lips.

Y/n couldn't breath and her heart was literally pumping too much blood especially in her ears and cheeks.

Behind Jungwon were the doors of the wardrobe and behind y/n the wall of the wardrobe. Suddenly Jungwon started pushing her slightly against the wall making her pant. They both stopped after a while to get oxygen in their lungs when Jungwon broke the silence ,,I just wanted to whisper in your ear." He was teasing her ,,Yeah and accidentally kissed me like crazy." ,,And you kissed me back so we are quitt."

Then the door opened and niki sung a romantic background song. Finally the both could see each other faces. Her lips were redder because of the kiss. Her hair got messy cause she hugged him earlier and her cheeks were pink just like her ears. That's how Jungwon looked aswell.

,,Look I won!!" sunoo said go heeseung and heesung gave him some money.

When they saw the confused but still embarrassed faces of jungwon and y/n they answered with that they had a bet if jungwon and y/n would kiss each other or not.

Well yeah let's say it was a wild kiss for the beginning but they are still underage there was nothing more than that. Both are still innocent kids (at least in the way they act).

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