Be careful what you wish for...

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The cold air bit her face, and this wasthe coldest day she had ever experienced on Asgard

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The cold air bit her face, and this was
the coldest day she had ever experienced on Asgard.

She had traveled a lot, even came from a cold climate herself, but she had never experienced a winter like this. Perfect, she thought.

That means more closed windows, and less opportunity. Less opportunity to steal food or anything by means of purchasing it.

Summer was the easiest, the planet had an abundance of food and Y/N realised she better stockpile next year. I'm like a fucking squirrel! She sighed feeling stressed. Feeling the bitter cold she pulled her cloak over her body.

The truth was, she was starving. She had been hungry for 2 days now, with only a little bread to keep her going.

And as she got closer to the main city, she could smell the delights of Odins Castle.

Roasted meats, stews and of course copious amounts on mead. God, I could do with a drink she thought smiling.

It had been a year since she even had the opportunity to party. Or even felt like it. But Asgard brought out the party spirit in everyone.

You see, Y/N wasn't from Asgard. She came from Earth. Or 'Midgard' as the locals called it, and they seemed to hold it with some contempt.

'A troublesome planet,' one woman had said to her one summer morning, unknowing that Y/N was a Midgardian.

'Always poking their noses into what they can't understand, and thinking they are something special. They think they are wise, why Midgard is a mere planet of primitives. Stupid little planet really' the woman bragged.

Y/N just smiled and nodded in agreement. All the while stealing some supplies for dinner.

Studpid cow thought Y/N.

Although, she wasn't entirely wrong.

Y/N's curiosity was why she was in this mess afterall...
Uk, April last year...

Y/N was tired. Working 8-8 shifts at a car dealership wasn't easy. Face to face customer relations was a pain.

And you were always guaranteed a Karen or two.

I can't believe I went to university... and I'm a fucking receptionist, Y/N thought annoyed.

She drained the last of her coffee cup. She didn't have illusions of grandeur, just wished she could use her talents the way she wanted in the real world.

Or you know, would it be so bad to have a bit of adventure? Take a risk, have a few laughs?

Not another cog in the machine. Same shit, different day. She thought. And all in a boring pant suit.

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