The Deal

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'You knew my mother?' Y/N asked confused.

'I mean, I met you as a child. You were but a toddler, I held you in my arms. I could sense the power on you then. It's nice to see it has grown as much as you have.'

Y/N stood angrily 'What do you mean? Explain yourself!'

'How do you think you got to the mortal realm in the first place. It was because of me. I transported you there. You won't remember the galactic wars, or the deviants destruction. Your birth mother wanted you far away from this. That's where I helped.'

Brokkr began to tell her of her past, something she always thought to be true but couldn't quite put her finger on.

'Your Mother, your... earth mother. She was conjured into believing you were hers. It was the only way to ensure your safety. Reality magic is tricky, but to bend reality for one instance? To change someone's perspective? Not so much.
But that day'when I held you as a child I knew you would be a source of great power. I saw it then, I see it now.'

Y/N sat back down. 'I don't want it.' She said sadly, Brokkr sat with her and started eating some of the picnic.
'Nonesense. Everyone wants power. Power gives you everything. There are only two types of people in this world. Those with power, and those too weak to seek it.' He sneered showing his discoloured teeth

Y/N stared into space. She finally thought she would have a quiet life with Loki. It looked like it was not to happen. They were convinced that no matter what they would always find each other. But were they doomed to lose each other too? Was that their fate?

'Don't look so glum dearie. I can help you, I am willing to teach you all about your power. Teach you to control it.'

Y/N rolled her eyes, 'I already can. This cuff ensures to restrict these powers.'

He spat out what he was eating with a laugh 'That? That is nothing. That is just a cuff. It does nothing but look pretty. And maybe protect your wrist but that is all.'

She look down at it confused. 'But Frigg told me...'

'It was a lie. To make you feel better. If you believe you can control it, you will. But true control comes from mastery. What I am offering, is to bring you under my tutorlidge.'

Y/N tuned slowly to look at him now. 'You mean, you want to teach me to use my powers, to control them?'

He nodded, he waved his hand and a book appeared. It was a rich purple with gold clasps closing it fast. On the front was an opal foxed in the centre.

'This here is a book of magic. It was your mothers book. I took it when she last dissapeared. Your mother is one of the most powerful celestials to have walked the planets. This book is the key to unleasing the power she has bestowed upon you, her only daughter.'

Y/N took the book, and it felt good to hold it in her hands. 'This was my birth mothers?'
She held it gently, finally she had something solid to connect with her past, with her story.

'If I agree. What do you get out of it? I have learned by now everything with you has something for you in it. What will teaching me get you?'

He smiled and steepled his fingers, 'It's quite simple. I get a protégé, you get to control your power. Do we have a deal?'

Y/N thought about it. She knew he was problematic. All she had to do is learn from him, she would never let her guard down or tell him anything she didn't want to.

But she knew full well that Loki would never agree to it. And as much as she loved him, she knew his only focus was to protect her and keep her safe.

'I'll do it. I will learn from you and be your pupil. But under one condition. Loki is never to know about this. Or anyone for that matter. If it became known that I was in any way associated with any of this, it could destroy everything I have. Loki is to be kept out of the whole equation. And he is not to be harmed in any way. Do you agree?'

'It's a deal.' He grinned and then dissapeared as if he was never there to begin with.

She quickly hid the book underneath her dress, concealing it from view in the pocket section concealed within.

Y/N sat and thought about what she had just done, making a deal with guy. Only time would tell if it was a mistake, and every boke in her body screamed it was.

Loki returned shaking his head 'Sometimes I despair at the squabbles of the lesser men in this village. I really don't understand...' he trailed off he noticed the change in her, her cheeks gone from pink to white.
'What is wrong, are you well?'

She looked to him and reassured him. 'Yeah, I just was daydreaming. Say why don't we forget about today, and just enjoy this honest to God beautiful picnic? Honestly I have never seen anything like it Loki! It's beautiful!'

They spent the afternoon in each others arms talking about whatever they could think of. Y/N let lose on her favourite books, while Loki also noted them down as he has never heard of any of them.

'Ugh, Loki! You have never read a mortal book? Ever? Seriously Loki you don't know what you're missing!'
She groaned in a mock frustration

'Honestly, I do not think any Mortal book can compare to the works of any Asgardian. Name me one book that could be regarded as a pure work of art that could match any Asgardian work.' He lifted an eyebrow in disbelief.

'Lord of the Rings.' She said Smugly. 'Lord of the Rings has everything. Wizards, hobbit people who are the, elves, dwarves, kings and queen, true love, battles... it's just everything.'

'Lord of the Rings?'

'Yes. You need to get it, read it and you will thank me. It's kind of the holy grail of geekdom, but its a book no one can say sucks. It's the original fantastic book that every other sets itself against. Its got everything.'

Y/N had ranted she realised this as she turned to look at Loki looking very amused. She looked down and began to

'Sorry, I get passionate about books.'

'It's quite alright, I like to see you get passionate. In fact, I love it...' he edged closer to Y/N brushing his lips on hers.

'Really, how much do you-' before she could finish that sentence his lips came crashing down on hers, as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
She balled her fists on his chest pulling him in closer.

His hands floated down to her backside as she lifted her legs straddling him. He groaned against her mouth his tongue exploring her mouth.

Suddenly Y/N became very aware of the memory that the book was hidden in her skirt 'Erm...Loki? I think we need it a little.' She smiled wickedly.

'Getting a bit too passionate?' He laughed gently.

'No, it can never be too much. I just... don't want us getting jiggy in the garden.'

'Getting Jiggy?' He laughed 'Is that the official Midgardian term?'

'Among others,' Y/N giggled back 'so why don't we finish this wonderful picnic, drink the wine and erm... head back to your chambers?'

His eyes turned dark 'Now, those are terms I can agree to...'

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