Clean-Up Crew

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The sun rose over Castle Bleck, the sky as blue as the ocean. All was peaceful. Until everyone's alarms went off. Blumiere and Timpani groaned as the clock rang non-stop. Blumiere, still half asleep, managed to grab ahold of the clock and throw it against the wall, shattering it. Blumiere and Timpani pulled up the covers again trying to fall back asleep. Nastasia then flung the door to their room wide open and flipped on the lights, causing Timpani to blink rapidly at the brightness and Blumiere to fall off of the bed with a shout of surprise.

"C'mon you two, it was your idea to clean up this musty place and I don't plan on wasting any time." Nastasia exclaimed, "I'll give you guys 25 minutes to get up and at 'em, K'?"

She left the two of them alone to get dressed. Blumiere was rushing to get out the door.

"Come on Timpani, you don't want to see what Nastasia is like when you don't follow the schedule," Blumiere said with a laugh while heading out the door, staff in hand.


Blumiere was busy making coffee and Timpani was having a bowl of cereal as Nastasia planed out the day.

"Okay, Timpani and I will start by moving some boxes out of the attic while Blumiere can clean out the Inner Sanctum," Nastasia explained.

"Why do I have to clean up the Inner Sanctum while both of you work on the attic?" Blumiere asked in between sips of coffee.

"Because you can float up to the podiums and there are a few items in the attic that awhile back you told me to burn that I kept around, and I don't want to see your reaction right off the bat." Nastasia elaborated.

Blumiere considered this as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Touché..." Blumiere replied.


Dimentio paced the wide-open spaces of Dimension D, his thoughts rash and blinded by anger. Being isolated in Dimension D for so long has made him stir crazy, and he wanted results.

"I have been insulted, dishonored, and ignored by Blumiere for too long! It is time I get my revenge. And I am not referring to what happened with that pitiful excuse for a prophetic book." Dimentio ranted, "But what should be my course of action?"

He snapped his fingers as he came up with an idea. A grin spread across his masked face.

"I got it!"

He snapped his fingers again and a piece of paper and a pen appeared. He grabbed ahold of them and began to write. After a few minutes of vigorous scribbling Dimentio triumphantly held up the note.

"And now to send the message."

Dimentio summoned a knife out of thin air and opened a small rift that led to Castle Bleck. He lifted the paper and tossed the knife so it will pin the letter to whatever hard surface is on the other side. The paper disappeared into the rift.

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