Rise and Fall of the Son

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"Ha! You made a big mistake. Not only would Bleck never hand over the Chaos Heart, but he also would NEVER come for ME!" Dimentio laughed, "Foolish of you to think that blood relations mean anything to him. You of all people should know that."

Blumiere's father chuckled. Dimentio, now unmasked, scowled at him. He had been tied up with a black rope and was now propped up against a wall.

"Blumiere will bring me the Heart." Blumiere's father stated, "And if he truly doesn't care for you as you claim, then there will be one less impure abomination."

Dimentio looked down at his yellow charm. He knew that once he discovered that he had the Chaos Heart he would surely die. Blumiere would be sure to throw him under the bus.

Off in the distance, a clock chimed, marking the end of the hour.

"Looks like Blumiere refuses to show his face."

He drew the knife and walked over to where Dimentio was. Dimentio tried to scurry away but to no avail.

"I will enjoy spilling your blood very much." Blumiere's father stated, "Impure blood."

He grabbed Dimentio by the collar and raised the knife.


They looked towards the doorway to see Blumiere standing there, with the Chaos Heart! Blumiere's father smiled a creepy smile while Dimentio stared at him in confusion.

"I'm glad that you came to your senses, Blumiere." His father told him.

He let go of Dimentio and he fell to the floor.

"Give me Dimentio." Blumiere told him.

His father scoffed.

"I'm no imbecile. Give me the Heart and I will give you your pathetic excuse for a son."

Blumiere walked up and placed the Heart on the floor and then backed away. Blumiere's father picked it up and began to inspect it.

"Now give me Dimentio." Blumiere said.

His father looked him in the eyes.

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

He smashed the fake Heart onto the floor, it split into millions of pieces of stone.

"Where is the Heart?!" Blumiere's father shouted.

"I don't have it! It doesn't exist anymore!" Blumiere exclaimed.

"Preposterous! I can sense it right here!" His father retorted, "You're holding out on me."

Blumiere's father grabbed ahold of him and shook him down. With a shout of frustration, he threw Blumiere against the wall. Blumiere crumpled onto the floor.


Blumiere's father froze. He realized that there was only one other person in the room. He turned to face Dimentio. Blumiere knew what he was going to do.

"Run!" Blumiere shouted.

But it was too late. With one swift motion, Blumiere's father seized Dimentio by the charm on his collar.

"Don't do it! You'll kill us all!" Dimentio exclaimed.

Blumiere's father yanked off the charm and threw it onto the floor. It shattered, and from it, a black inky substance emerged, the creature bashed Blumiere's father into the wall, knocking him out. The mass of blackness had two red eyes. It looked at the three people in the room and locked eyes with Dimentio. The creature lunged at him and seemed to assimilate into his body. Dimentio screamed as he thrashed against an invisible force. He passed out.

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