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While Timpani was digging through the box, she found things like Blumiere's old cloak, a few love letters that they once exchanged, and even an old photo.

While Timpani was digging through the box, she found things like Blumiere's old cloak, a few love letters that they once exchanged, and even an old photo

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"Funny, I don't recognize this picture..." Timpani thought to herself.

It was a photo of herself, Blumiere, and someone else she couldn't identify. There was a burn hole in the lower center directly over the person's face. She turned it over in her hand. On the back was written 'Blumiere, Timpani, and A--------, our son'.

Our son.

Timpani's thoughts spun out of control.

"A son?! I-I don't have a son! Unless..." Timpani thought frantically, "Maybe, my memory is still incomplete! After all, I lost so many memories when I was turned into a Pixl! But... I HAVE A SON?!?!"

Timpani's thoughts were frantic until she blacked out.


Blumiere was humming to himself as he used his magic to get rid of the debris in the Inner Sanctum. He continued to do so until he heard a 'thunk' nearby.

"Perhaps I knocked over some more debris." Blumiere assumed.

Blumiere went to find out what it was. He pushed aside rubble and came across a piece of paper stuck to the wall by a knife.

"When did THAT get there?" Blumiere asked aloud.

He pulled the note off of the wall. What it said was as followed.

'To the traitor formally known as Count Bleck, you have insulted me for the last time. I am not one who wants to be known as a murderer, so I challenge you to a duel. I know that you would love to take revenge on me as well. Consider this your opportunity. We shall fight at the dawn of the last day of the month. Write your consent on the back of this letter. From, Dimentio.'

Blumiere had to re-read the note several times to process this in his mind.

"Dimentio is alive!" Blumiere thought with a sigh of relief, "But... he wants to kill me. What should I do?"

Blumiere looked down at the note and turned it over. He snapped his fingers and a pen appeared in his hand. He started to write. After a few minutes, he finished writing and rolled up the note. As soon as he rolled it up it disappeared with a familiar chime. Blumiere sighed and continued to clean up the mess. Deciding that he must keep this to himself.


Nastasia continuously shook Timpani, attempting to wake her up.

"TIMPANI?! WAKE UP!!!" Nastasia shouted.

Timpani groaned in response. Nastasia sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought that you were dead!" Nastasia told her.

Timpani bolted upright.

"I HAVE A SON!" She shouted.

Nastasia grabbed ahold of Timpani as she practically hyperventilated.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Clam down! What happened?" Nastasia asked.

Timpani took a few deep breaths to collect her thoughts.

"Okay... I was rummaging through this box and I found a picture..."


"I didn't recognize the picture. There were three people in the photo. Blumiere, myself, and someone else."


"And on the back, it says Timpani, Blumiere, and our son A----------. I have a son!" Timpani exclaimed, "If I forgot about him then... why wouldn't Blumiere tell me?"

Nastasia rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well... what if something really bad happened to him?" Nastasia wondered, "Blumiere was devastated when you disappeared. He's probably just trying to protect you from what he had to go through. Let's just drop this for now."

Timpani looked down at the photo, seeing the blacked-out face staring back at her.

"Sure, It's not that important..." Timpani said.

Nastasia gave a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, let's just bring this box down and call it a day," Nastasia told her.

She picked up the box and clambered down the ladder. Timpani looked at the photo again.

"I might have forgotten, but I will not let anyone stop me from remembering!" Timpani thought to herself.

She tucked the photo into her pocket and decided that she must do this alone.


"Blech! What is this?!" Dimentio exclaimed while re-reading Blumiere's return letter.

The letter said, 'Dear Dimentio, I'm sorry that you feel this way about me. And I admit, it was my fault not telling you about the change of plans sooner. I am truly sorry. I shall not fight a friend, so, I refuse your challenge. I'm happy to hear that you are alive and well. From, Blumiere.'

Dimentio gagged as he read through it again.

"This letter is cheesier than a mouse's taste in music! Does he think that after what he's done, he can just befriend me? Blech! He doesn't even know what he's done. But then again, it's not like he could know." Dimentio added, "Perhaps I did not make the threat clear."

He thought over his options.

"Mimi? No, she's not that close to him. O'Chunks? No, too inept. Luigi? Hmmm... No, I tortured him enough, for now." Dimentio made a mental note to torment Luigi later, "Timpani?"

His train of thought snagged on Timpani. Surely by threatening her he would gain the upper hand. Dimentio decided against it, she's already gone through as much suffering as him.

"Which leaves me with Nastasia." Dimentio decided, "Yes... That shall suffice..."

Dimentio snapped his fingers and a piece of paper and pen appeared. After a few minutes of writing, he appeared satisfied with his work. He snapped his fingers and the letter disappeared.

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