Reliving The Past

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AN: Words slanted like this mean that it's a memory. Just a forewarning this chapter is going to be pretty long. Enjoy.


Blumiere sighed as he took the broom from Nastasia and started toward the Inner Sanctum. He walked to the doors and grasped the doorknob, knowing that there was still a humongous mess leftover from Super Dimentio. 

"Dimentio..." Blumiere muttered to himself.

His once happy and joyful memories of him now turned sour and sad. But in Blumiere's heart, he knew that it was ultimately his own fault. He was the one who betrayed Dimentio in the first place. Before he could stop it, a rather depressing memory surfaced and he relived it once more.


Count Bleck wandered the hallways of the castle aimlessly. He just wanted an excuse to get away from Nastasia's schedules for just a moment. Count Bleck sighed at the thought of how hectic things were getting. With the void almost completely open, he knew that the window to tell his minions about the change of plans was closing. He was not looking forward to telling them.

Count Bleck continued to walk down the corridors until something caught his eye. The door to the roof was hanging ajar.

"Odd, said Count Bleck."

Nastasia usually made sure that all doors were secured, especially the one to the roof on account of there being no guard railing.

"Oh, no..."

Count Bleck rushed up the staircase. It wouldn't be the first time one of the minions tried to jump off of the roof with ill intent. He peered through the crack in the upper door and sure enough, there was Dimentio, sitting on the ledge of the roof. But he appeared to be... sobbing. Count Bleck knew that Dimentio would rather be seen dead than crying, but something inside of him said to make sure that he was okay and also make sure that he wasn't going to jump. Count Bleck eased the door open and started walking toward Dimentio, trying not to make a sound.

"I know you're there Count," Dimentio said spitefully.

Count Bleck walked over and sat down next to him. Dimentio was vigorously attempting to wipe the tears away from his mask only to leave dark stains underneath the eye sockets.

"What do you want?" Dimentio asked.

"I just want to know what's wrong." Count Bleck reassured.

Dimentio scoffed but reluctantly obeyed.

"Just... thinking about future events. And how if the script was flipped, no one would care if I was gone..." Dimentio admitted. "Surely you or the others would not."

"That is untrue!"

"I can guarantee that if I never insisted upon joining this team and you didn't oblige, I would be left out on the streets, like a discarded puppet with tethered strings." Dimentio insisted.

Count Bleck felt that he was losing the argument.

"Well... don't you have any parents that miss you? Surely a mother at least?"

He knew that it was not his place to ask about family affairs, Count Bleck especially hated when they tried to ask about his.

"My mother is dead," Dimentio stated plainly.

"And... your father?" The Count asked.

"Dead to me."

Count Bleck nodded in understanding. Dimentio got up and started towards the staircase.

"Dimentio?" The Count asked.

Dimentio stopped and turned around.

"Yes, Count?" Dimentio tiredly asked.

"If it's any consolation... I have always thought of you as a son." Count Bleck admitted.

Dimentio gave a depressed sigh as he turned back toward the door.

"Good night, Count."

He left Count Bleck to himself on the rooftop where he pondered over what just happened. Dimentio actually admitted something of his past. Extremely vague, but still something. And Count Bleck realized one other thing, throughout the whole conversation he didn't talk in the third person once! He didn't know what to make of it.


Blumiere was snapped out of his reminiscing by the reminder that he needed to clean up the mess in the Inner Sanctum. He sighed as he opened the door, ready to get to work.


Nastasia was standing on Timpani's shoulders, attempting to reach the latch to the attic.

"How were you able to reach that before if you don't have a ladder anywhere!" Timpani exclaimed as she tottered.

"I had the Count or Dimentio float up and get it open for me," Nastasia replied.

She grabbed ahold of the handle.

"Got it!"

Timpani helped Nastasia down as the ladder extended. They both let out a sigh of relief as they climbed up into the attic.

Nastasia wasn't lying when she said that she kept a few things around. There were several items from Blumiere's past that were either strewn about, in labeled boxes, or half-destroyed.

"Where did all of this come from?" Timpani asked in amazement.

"I told you before, all of this stuff are items that I shoved up here before Count Bleck destroyed them." Nastasia explained, "I had hope that one day he would be back to normal. And with that hope, I realized that once he snapped out of it he would be devastated by the fact that he destroyed these things."

Timpani was now looking at all the boxes, wondering how many mementos could possibly be stored in there.

"Let's start by deciding what should be taken down and what should stay here." Nastasia decided.

Timpani picked up a box labeled 'DO NOT TOUCH!!!'.

"I-I don't recommend opening that..." Nastasia stuttered.

But Timpani already pried it open. She pulled out a photo.

"AWWWWWW!!! THAT'S SO ADORABLE!!!" Timpani squealed.

"AWWWWWW!!! THAT'S SO ADORABLE!!!" Timpani squealed

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Nastasia snatched the photo away from her.

"Yeah, when he experimented with the spells in the Dark Prognosticus, he had a few mishaps..." Nastasia chuckled.

Timpani laughed as she imagined her husband doing all sorts of crazy spells. A dusty box in the corner caught her attention. It was labeled 'T'.

"What's in this one, Nastasia?" She asked.

"Oh, that one has some items from when you and Blumiere were dating." Nastasia explained, "He thought that you were dead and all I ever found out was your first initial so..."

Timpani opened up the box and started rummaging through like a child and their toy box. Nastasia sighed.

"I'll let you look through some boxes while I figure out where to put this stuff." Nastasia compromised.

Nastasia left Timpani to reminisce as she climbed down the ladder.

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