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AN: This is gonna be short but I packed a whole lotta FEELS into this one.


Timpani paced up and down the hallways as Nastasia tried to reassure her that everything would be alright.

A few moments later, they heard the familiar chime of teleportation.

"Blumiere!" Timpani and Nastasia exclaimed.

They ran down the corridors until they found Blumiere and Dimentio.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!!!" Timpani squealed with tears in her eyes.

She ran up and hugged Blumiere. Timpani looked at Dimentio and he went stiff.

"Look..." Dimentio started, "I shouldn't have-"

Timpani let go of Blumiere and locked Dimentio in an even tighter embrace.

"I don't want excuses. I just want my son back..." Timpani said, hot tears streaming down her face.

Dimentio broke down into sobs and hugged her back.

"I promise, mom..." Dimentio said in between sobs.

Blumiere walked over and joined in the hug.

"Never leave us again, Alastor..." Timpani murmured.

"You remember?" Dimentio asked.

"And I plan to never forget again," Timpani stated.

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