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AN: Remember, slanted words, like this, are flashbacks.


Both Blumiere and Timpani were in bed, it has been days and none of them had confessed to the other what they were doing. Their dreams were riddled with nightmares.


Timpani's POV:

I waited by the tree that Blumiere and I had designated as our rendezvous point. Today we were to escape to a faraway place together. We didn't know where, but anywhere was better than here.

A small child tugged at my shirt sleeve, he must have only been a few years old, at most.

"Mom? Where's dad?" The small child asked with worry in his voice.


"I don't know... He should've been here by now." I replied.

What happened next was all just a blur.

A puff of smoke and the surroundings seemed to change instantly. There were fire and mayhem everywhere I looked. My son was no longer holding onto me. I looked through the smog to see him being taken away by an ominous figure. He cried out in fear.

I strained to make out their faces, but my memory refused.


I struggled to reach out to him but someone was holding me back as well. I felt their warm breath on my neck, their claw-like hands digging into my side.

"This is the fate of those who resist their own." A voice hissed in my ear.


I bolted upright in bed, drenched in sweat. Blumiere was still laying next to me, asleep.

"Was that... one of my memories?" I thought to myself.

I knew now that I had no other choice. I needed to find our son.


Third Person POV:

It was early in the morning. Blumiere had made his way to the training room, staff in hand. He had no Dark Prognosticus or Chaos Heart to aid him in battle this time, he had to rely on his own abilities. Timpani peered into the training room to make sure that he was occupied. Sure enough, he paid her no mind as he performed spells that ultimately ended up destroying and then rebuilding the practice dummy.

Timpani snuck around the Castle, careful to avoid Nastasia. Eventually, she reached her destination, Blumiere's old room. Unfortunately, Nastasia predicted that this was where she would go first.


Dimentio was also busying himself by training in Dimension D. Only one person would walk away from the fight, and he didn't care who. His weapon of choice was a simple knife. He had no intention of using it, after all, he preferred magic, but Blumiere had enough power to kill an entire colony of magic users, so he took no chances.

Dimentio snapped his fingers, making many clones of himself appear. He brandished his blade, swiftly slicing through the copies.

"Like scissors through paper." Dimentio mused.

He made more clones appear, this time making them attempt to fight back. Dimentio held the knife to his side as he glided through the air, perfectly timing his magic projectiles. The remaining copies shot deadly volts of magic at him, he reflected them with a swift movement of his hand. More clones disappeared as he sliced them in two. He got cocky and let his guard down, a clone hit him in the back with a burst of short rang magic. Dimentio swung around, his yellow eye glowing red, by pure instinct he activated the Chaos Heart, which he kept hidden in his yellow diamond charm. He propelled the clone into a small vortex, it got sucked up instantly and the void disappeared.

Dimentio looked down at his hand and shook his head in dismay. He sighed.

"Without Luigi, the power is unstable." Dimentio examined, "I hardly have to be angered for the power of the Heart to spike... That won't do."

He knew what would happen if he couldn't get this under control. Super Dimentio was a fusion of Dimentio, the Chaos Heart, and Luigi for a reason. Without Luigi, the Chaos Heart took control of the user without so much as them becoming mildly irritated.

If this was to be a fair fight he would have to get this under control.


Timpani was vigorously digging through closets, drawers, and desks, desperate for anything that could aid in her search. So far she had nothing.




She cried out in frustration.

"How could there be NOTHING?!" Timpani yelled internally.

She sighed as she looked through the desks again. Everything seemed to have been cleared out, despite no one being in there since they decided to clean the Castle. In fact, it seemed TOO clean.

"Oh, she didn't..." Timpani muttered to herself.

Timpani ran across the hallway and grabbed some of Mimi's leftover makeup. She ran back and checked for fingerprints. Blumiere ALWAYS wore gloves, but there were prints. Timpani rushed back to her room and opened up the drawer that she put the picture in, it was gone. She could only think of one other person who could've known what she was up to.


Nastasia was busy organizing some folders in her desk when the door to her room flew wide open.

"Nastasia!" Timpani yelled.

Nastasia was used to people yelling at her for things by now so she hardly jumped this time. Timpani looked quite upset.


"Where are you hiding it?" Timpani demanded.

"Hiding what?" Nastasia asked.

"Don't play dumb! I know that you took the photo I found!" Timpani accused, "Where is it?!"

Nastasia looked over her options in her head. One, she could tell Timpani where it was. Two, she could continue to lie to her. Three, she could explain everything herself. She went with the option that prolonged the time of her not getting shouted at.

"I took it and gave it to Blumiere," Nastasia admitted, "He told me to make sure that you don't find out..."

Timpani grunted in frustration and stormed out of the room. Nastasia knew that within the next few minutes, there was going to be A LOT of shouting.

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