Chapter 3 - Coffee shop AU - Solangelo

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1/3/2021 -- Hello.  Sorry about the delay.  Happy New Year!!!

More Solangelo action for you guys!  I do not own anything blah blah belongs to Rick Riordan.

Feel free to change words into worse curse words.


Nico POV

          Ugh.  That is the final straw.  All I wanted was to have a nice day and coffee to keep me freaking awake.  But then my Wi-Fi router broke and so did the coffee machine and the heating is dead.  To top things off I'm literally half awake and already freezing my arse off.  And now I have to go to a café with free Wi-Fi and way-overpriced-and-overly-sweet coffee in the middle of January.  I freaking hate my life.

          So I walked in the freezing streets to this little café and I'm very surprised that I haven't died or gotten hit by a car yet.  It's called Jamoka Jack which is a kind of stupid name if you ask me, but they didn't ask me because I don't work there.  So I go in to order some sweet overpriced sh*t and all that I can see is a blue smudge and a yellow blob with a super bright white smear in the middle.  I rub my eyes blearily and order a black coffee and a blueberry muffin.

           I sit down and continue writing my essay, why did I decide to take forensic pathology.  Why couldn't I just have become some dude that lives in their parent's garage?  Oh yeah... because my mom and sister are dead and my dad blames me and my half-sister isn't of legal age yet.  Depressing...

          I rudely get interrupted by someone calling my name and I sleepily stumble over to grab my drink.  Throughout the day, a person keeps on bringing me a black coffee and a muffin or scone or baked thing of some sort.  When I finally finish my freaking essay, I look up and my eyes widen.

          This super hot dude (yes I am gay do you have a problem with that) comes over and gives me a coffee and a cinnamon bun.  He has a slightly messed up mop of blond hair that seems golden in the lighting, beautiful blue eyes that look like the ocean, muscular arms, and a faint spray of freckles across his face.  He grins at me and oh my gosh I nearly keel over from hotness overload.  His smile is perfect and dazzling white.

          Oh my gosh, stop crushing on straight people, Nico!  Mind out of the gutter!  You are here to finish your homework and pass school, not find hot people to date! I mentally berate myself.

          He grins and hands them to me.  "Hey!  I'm Will.  Can I ask... uh what's the essay for?"  I smile faintly at him my cheeks burning.  "Oh... uh... yeah... uh... I'm studying forensic pathology... and I have this... uh really important essay to ... er... finish and uh..." I find myself stuttering and staring at his plump pink lips that are— oh my gosh stop it.

           He nods, looking genuinely interested.  "Cool!  I'm in med school but I'm working here to earn money and gosh I'm so tired!  Well, I better get back to work.  See you around, Nico!"

          I pick up my bag and take a sip from my latest out of 10 coffees and when I go to throw the cup away.  I see some black writing on the side.  It says (###) ### - ####.  I squeal very un-Nico-like and hurriedly rush home because my essay is done, my appliances are fixed, and I have a super hot date.  I guess going to a café isn't that bad.


Hey guys!  Next chapter is Will's POV of this chapter.

Please comment down below requests of what you want to read!  Thanks!

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