Chapter 1 - Dear Future Husband - Solangelo

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Disclaimer: all rights to the song go to Meghan Trainor and characters go to Rick Riordan.  

Art above goes to the artist (I don't know who it is)

Ok seriously on to the thing -->

This takes place before Reyna joins the Hunters (aka before the Tyrant's Tomb).  Also let us just pretend that Jason is not dead because we want to.

Let us just pretend that Will has a pretty good singing voice just for the sake of this.

Italics are song lyrics, stuff in single quotes are thoughts



          YEAH!  THE MCSHIZZLE IS BACK BABY!!!  WOOOO— awwww.  Calypso says that I'm not allowed to have Skittles for the rest of the month if I keep on saying that.  Anywhoodles, today Superman (Jason) and Aquaman (Percy) and Chinese Canadian Baby Man (Frank) and Death Boy (Nico) and Sunny Dude (Will) and Miss Metal Detector (Hazel) and Beauty Queen (Piper) and Pinecone Face (Thalia) and RARA (Reyna) and Sunshine (Calypso) and Annabeth are all gonna be at Camp Half-Blood so the awesomest cabin ever is hosting a party in Bunker 9!!!  Time to embarrass Nico!  Mwahahaha!!!  Ow Calypso what was that for!

tImE sKiPpEtY sKiP i DoN't KnOw WhY i Am TyPiNg LiKe ThIs BuT wHaTeVeR

          I shoot Nyssa a thumbs-up and flash a grin at Harley.  Harley clicks the party button and this huge disco ball comes out of the roof in Bunker 9, soft music starts playing out of my awesome Valdezaspeakers, and a table covered with food pops out of the ground.

          Nyssa rolls her eyes and mutters "Show off."  She steps up to the Valdezamic.  "Hello demigods and legacies, Romans and Greeks!  Please follow all the rules that are taped on the door.  If you disobey any of them then you will lose your dessert privileges and will be kicked out of the party.  Also feel free to hit the DJ who we all thought was dead!  So... let's party!"  She nods at me.  

          I hit a button and the music starts blaring out of the Valdezaspeakers.  She did a pretty good job— wait.  Did she say that they can hit the DJ?  I am the DJ!  Oh no Nico is going to kill me.  Gaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh hmm I wonder how he's gonna kill me— ugh stupid ADHD.  Chiron winces and gallops out the door muttering something about Dean Marten or Doc Martens or Doc McStuffins or Doctor Muffins.  Ooh muffins.  Muffins are just cupcakes without frosting, and frosting is just— sorry ADHD.  Anyway I just couldn't hear properly.

Nico POV

          Ugh.  Will dragged me to this party thing and it is colorful and bright and I hate it.  There is very loud music that will kill my eardrums.  Ooh!  Leo!  I think he is the DJ judging by the place where he is standing.  Didn't that Hephaestus girl with a bandana say that we could hit the DJ?

Will POV

          Awwwwww.  My little Death Boy is so cute.  I watch as he marches angrily up to Leo and slaps him across the face a few times.  He pulls out his Stygian iron sword.  I quickly rush up to him.

          "Ok ok Neeks!  No need to maim him!"  I exclaim.

         "Seriously Will.  Please let me cut his hair off at least."  He says glaring at Leo.

          "No!  Because then Calypso will kill me for being unable to contain you and your cute puppy dog face!  I have a bet you know!"

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