Chapter 2 - Soulmate AU - Tratie

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Hey guys... I hope you guys liked the last one... but I guess no feedback?

This art does not belong to me and the characters also do not belong to me.

Sorry if you don't ship.

This is an AU about the first words that your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your wrist or arm.


Katie POV

          I smiled at him.  He returned it with a blinding grin.  He clears his throat and says, "I do."  And he kisses me in front of everyone.  Later on the dance floor, I stood to the side and remembered how lucky I was to have him.

~*~ Flashback ~*~

          I was walking along on a beautiful fall day.  There were crunchy leaves and the smell of spices in the air.  I was wearing a long sleeved cream colored sweater and a pale green scarf.  I held a vanilla latte and was strolling along, drinking in the sights and smells of autumn.

          Then, out of the blue, a golden blur tackled me and started attacking me... with kisses.  I laugh and try unsuccessfully to pry the overfriendly golden retriever off of me.  After a bit the golden retriever is pulled off of me and I stand up brushing dirt and leaves off of me.  I look up at  a rather attractive guy that looks about my age with curly brown hair that hangs in his blue eyes that have that typical troublemaker glint in them.

          He smiles at me nervously and says "Oh my gods I am sooooo sorry!  Just my dog is kind of crazy and I apologize if you are hurt or anything and I... uh am so sorry and... uh you are very pretty and... uh ..." He keeps on rambling until I lift up my sleeve and stare at it.   I hold up my hand and death glare at him.  "So you're the one that made me have this freaking novel tattooed on my arm?!?!  On a completely unrelated note, what's your dog's name."

          He stares at me.  "Uh... my dog's name is Hermes because me and my brother are pranksters and uh... yeah.  I guess we're soulmates?  Oh yeah uh... my name is Travis, Travis Stoll."

          I glare at him.  "Aren't you the one who covered my locker in silly string and glitter and then left a bouquet of flowers inside it?  And that one time you uprooted all of my favorite flowers in the garden so that Miranda would win the gardening competition???"

          Travis smiled meekly and said, "Uh...  I think you are referring to my brother—"

          Another mop of brown curly hair peeks out behind him and says "Connor Stoll!"

~*~ Flashback end ~*~

          I get jarred back to reality after staring into the air with a reminiscent smile on my face.

          "Stoll!  Stop squirting whipped cream in your mouth!"


Hey...sorry for not updating sooner.


What animal does Artemis enjoy turning males into?

- Stay safe! DaNoodleEZ

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