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Did she just upping leave?!...
Josef gaped, stumped he hadn't known you were capable of that, the impression you gave was in total dependence of Erwin, a frown grew on his face.

Even with the minimal interactions the two of you shared he knew you wouldn't have done such thing, and so did Erwin.

The possibility of you running away meager, which meant, you were taken with or without force needed.

Turning over to Erwin he gulped, he wasn't sure what disturbed him more, your disappearance or Erwins expression.

Like a mask Erwins face stayed cold and dim, only getting upset if he was met to challenge another person, but never any panic or sorrow.

All the while, his eyes seemed unfocused, darting from area to area Josef could see Erwin trembling ever so slightly.

His breath freighting before he took in a deep breath, his eyebrows crinkling as so his eyes shut.

Calming his nerves and wearing that mask once again.

Erwin caught Josefs eyes, Josef weak under Erwins glare, the unease resting instead of dispersing, turning into anger and frustration.

"Check the perimeters of your building don't let any crevice out, report to me if you found her or anything of concern.."
As if he was out on a expedition he ordered Josef around, use to his reluctance and opposition Josef only nodded.

Erwin turning back foreword, in a haste he hurried to the door leading in and out to the restaurant, pushing it forward with hands palm the sun shined brightly.

Obscuring his vision his eyes narrowed, gazing around in front of him you were nowhere to be seen, only worrying him further.

Not knowing whether to go left or right he heads left, wanting to cover tracks away from where you had arrived, whoever took you could've already been out of Wall Sina if they had horses of any sort.

The thought of another taking you only provoked him more.

His eyebrows knitted.

I hadn't told anyone of our departure...
If someone was watching the two of you arrive from a distance Erwin was sure to be able to spot them out, always keen on those who carried intent to harm him as revenge.

But what if he wasn't paying attention, unaware of his surroundings the distraction of you paying to his mind instead.

It only made him feel more foolish.

I can't lose her, I still need to find what she knows....
He reminded himself of his main goal, whatever you knew about that book and your relation to it was his priority.

He was more concerned over the knowledge you had carried and not, you.

Is what he had reminded himself, though, still panicked contrast to his stern expression the idea of you being harmed only angered him further.

He wanted whoever had taken you to suffer if there was so much as a scratch on your body.

Glaring over his eyes caught onto something.

"Man for someone so terrifyingly smart he sure is an idiot.."
Josef grumbled out, having to search his entire restaurant, with stares of his customer there wasn't a sign of you near, nothing out of place as well.

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