Marcus Daniels

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Name: Marcus Daniels

Age: 44

Hero Name: Cyclone - Pro Hero

Quirk: Gale Force

He can create powerful gusts of wind by blowing. He can also create a strong force by sucking in air and bringing objects to him. He can use this in a multitude of ways. He can manipulate the wind he creates.

When his quirk is activated, he seems to have a slight breeze blow around him.

Drawbacks: Balance problems, earaches, busted eardrums, breathlessness if overused, winded, coughing up blood.

Hair color: Brown

Eye Color: Gold

Facial Hair: Goatee

Height: 5'11

(How I imagine Marcus to be

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(How I imagine Marcus to be. Credit to the artist!)

Marcus was a Pro Hero in America fairly quickly. His quirk control is amazing. That is to be expected considering that he came from a long line of Pro Heros. He, however, felt something was missing his entire time he was playing hero in the States. Once word got out that the Pro Hero, Siren, was looking for someone to help train her daughter on the road while they toured, he jumped for the chance. He was secretly a huge fan of hers, both as a hero and a singer. It didn't take long for him to call the situation they had 'home'. He looked to Moira like a daughter, as someone to protect. This is what he had been missing out in his life as a regular pro. He studied long and hard during the nights so that he could give Moira a proper education as well as quirk training.

When the idea came up that Moira should be going to UA, he was indifferent. He believed that his methods were working well for them both, but then again it would be a great experience for her. He said he would stay with her in Siren's Japan house, to keep an eye on her and help her with her studies for school and quirk training. He knew that Moira would be a great hero, but some people couldn't get past her looks long enough to give her a chance. If a place like UA acknowledged her, the rest of the world would have to as well.

Hero Costume:

(Coming soon)

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