Ch 6: A Train Ride

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Moira went through her new morning routine. It consisted of waking up early and complaining and groaning the entire time she got ready. She grumbled and fought with Marcus, who would laugh at her in a uniform. She listened to Kaiya nag at her for staying out so late. She walked down their long driveway and onto the sidewalk to make the long trek to school.

"Hey!" She heard someone call behind her. She turned to see a red-haired boy from class waving and running up to her. It was Kirishima if she remembered correctly. 

"Hmm." Was all she managed to get out. She was still waking up, and cranky.

"Are you going to the station? School is kind of far for us." He caught up with her and walked beside her. She froze up a second before looked over at him. "Man, you look rough, are you ok?"

"The station?" She looked at him, confused, getting irritated for talking this early in the morning.

"Yeah, I take the train to school." He smiled at her, showing very sharp, teeth. She studied them a moment before speaking to him again.

"Do you mean to tell me that I made that miserable walk to school yesterday when I could have taken a damn train instead?" Moira grumbled. Kirishima backed off a bit, unsure of how to take Moira's morning personality.

"Oh? So you walked to school? That's crazy far." Kirishima laughed nervously. "Do you wanna take the train with me then?"

"Yeah, show me this damn train." Moira started walking with him.

"Moira, huh? Are you not from around here?" He asked as they kept walking, trying to keep conversation. Moira wasn't too good at this until she was fully awake.

"It's been a while." Moira answered, still groggy. She listened to him talk about the train as they walked. She could get pretty much anywhere she wanted to from train. This was completely different than riding in a tour bus everywhere. 

When they boarded the train, Moira ended up being squished up against Kirishima. She fought and tried to make room, but it was no use. She could easily use her quirk to get some space, but that would end up being a lot more trouble than it was worth. 

"Yeah, sometimes it gets really crowded." He scratched the back of his head nervously, looking down at Moira who was fighting to keep from pushing up against him. "If you have to lean against me, it's ok. I don't bite." He laughed nervously, trying to make her feel more at ease.

"You don't bite, but what if I do?" Moira couldn't help herself as she flashed him a smile, showing her pointed canines. Kirishima laughed it off. She ended up laughing with him. This was good. She was waking up a bit better. 

"Finally, damn!" Moira couldn't wait to get off the train. She rolled her shoulders some to release some tension.

"Yeah, that's the morning rush for you." Kirishima sighed. "It's something you get used to with time."

They walked together to the classroom. He was right, though. It shaved off so much time from her journey there. As much as she hated it, she would have to get used to that train ride. There was no way she was going to walk that distance to school again.

As Kirishima and Moira were still talking, Iida rushed up to Moira. He looked like he had an agenda. He stopped right in front of her and placed his hands on his hips.

"Now, Moira. I didn't get a chance to say anything yesterday, but that makeup you're wearing is against school policy!" He started doing crazy hand motions as he spoke. "This is a prestigious school! We are to look our very best and represent our school! Disgracing UA like-" Moira held up her hand to stop him from talking.

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