Ch 19: Hopeless

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 Hearing Todoroki shout, and seeing the ice he shot into the air, the other three started running to his position. Each of them running as hard as their legs could push them. As soon as they laid eyes on Moira's broken body, Kirishima and Midoriya froze.

"Oh man, Moira!" Kirishima choked out, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Midoriya was already sobbing. Bakugo dropped to his knees beside her.

"Oi! P-Princess. You gotta wake up." Bakugo shook her gently. When there was no response, he started getting a bit rougher. "You better wake up you damn girl!" All of his emotions were fighting to spew out at once. Todoroki slapped his hands away from her.

"She's already hurt enough." He simply said, trying to get Bakugo to calm down some. 

Bakugo just sat there, staring at her mangled body. She looked so frail. This wasn't the Moira he knew. This wasn't his Moira. His Moira had strength that rivaled his own, gave him a challenge. His Moira would be up all night annoying him with her stupid music. His Moira wasn't some broken mess. 

"You stupid girl! How could you let some dumbass villains do this to you." His breath hitched in his throat. "How could you let them get you...." He started to reach for her again, then stopped himself. "DEKU!" He shouted suddenly, causing Kirishima and Midoriya to jump from surprise.

"Listen, man, none of us want to see her this way, this isn't his fault...." Kirishima started trying to calm Bakugo down before he started again. Bakugo's eyes shot to Kirishima and gave a low growl.

"Deku, give me your shirt." Bakugo held out his hand. Midoriya just looked at him confused for a second. "NOW YOU IDIOT!" He growled. Midoriya whimpered and took off his shirt, handing it to Bakugo. He looked to Todoroki. "Give her to me."

"What are yo-" Todoroki started, but was cut off by Bakugo's glare.

"It's ok, Todoroki." Kirishima placed his hand on his shoulder to reassure him. Todoroki nodded and shifted so that Bakugo could put her in his lap. He placed the shirt that Midoriya had given him over Moira's exposed top half. Midoriya's confusion went away, leaving him a bit embarrassed that he didn't think of it. Her costume had been mostly burnt away.

Bakugo stood up, holding Moira in his arms as if she were his bride, pulling her close to his chest. There was nothing on this planet that could take her from him now. Todoroki and Kirishima walked on each side of Bakugo for added protection. A crashing noise caught all of their attention. Something had crashed through the roof of the USJ. Bakugo growled and shielded Moira with his body. Kirishima popped up beside him and hardened his body to protect them both from debris that was being thrown around. 

"We've got to get her to the entrance and get help."  Kirishima's heart was hurting for his friend. He could prepare for physical pain no problem, but there was nothing that could prepare him for this. He considered Moira and Bakugo his best friends. He knew Bakugo's heart was being crushed just as much as his was. 

Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugo kept making their way to the stairs to get Moira help. Midoriya had run off towards where All Might had been fighting. Todoroki called after him, but it was no use. His legs were moving on their own now. Another commotion at the top of the stairs caught their attention.

"What else can go fuckin' wrong?" Bakugo growled, shifting Moira to get a better grip on her. Todoroki and Kirishima jumped in front of Katsuki, ready to take on whatever villains were showing up now. The students at the top of the stairs were cheering when they see a few Pro Heroes appear at the top of the stairs. Kirishima and Todoroki relaxed a bit. That didn't last long, however. 

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