Ch 12: Blow Me Away

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Everyone was having a great time. Everyone except Bakugo. He seemed to have loosened up slightly but still kept his walls high. Kaminari's performance gave him plenty of ammunition to tease him later. Kirishima wasn't terrible. He was mostly trying to look cool and manly. Mina was too bubbly for his liking, but she wasn't terrible either. Jiro had refused to sing, but she was having a great time poking fun at Kaminari. 

"Hey, Moira! You want a drink before going up?" Daisuke asked as he was getting up. "I'm getting one anyway."

"I won't pass up a free drink." Moira nodded and grinned. Bakugo watched him walk up to the bar and order some drinks. He intended to keep an eye on him the entire time.

"Yo, blondie!" Haru popped up out of nowhere. "You haven't gone up yet."

"Tch. My name's Bakugo. Remember it." Bakugo growled, taking his eyes off of Daisuke. 

"Bakugo and I are going to have a little competition." Moira stepped in for Bakugo. "We're going up at the same time." Moira grinned wildly at Bakugo. She hadn't told him that part until now.

"Hey! I know! We should pick the song for them!" Mina hopped around excitedly.

"Yeah, it won't be fair if one of them picks a song they know they're good at." Kaminari agreed. 

"It doesn't matter what damn song you pick, I am going to be the undeniable champion." Bakugo grunted. 

"Alright! Group meeting!" Kirishima pulled the rest of the gang together in a huddle to discuss what song they were going to pick. Haru was included. 

"What are they doing?" Daisuke returned with the drinks, handing the one in his left hand to Moira. "It's just a soda, nothing fancy." 

"Thank you." Moira took a big drink. She made an odd face but decided not to think too much into it. "They're picking the song that we are going to sing." Moira motioned to Bakugo.

"Sing together?" Daisuke looked confused. He looked over to Bakugo who was staring a hole through him, arms crossed. 

"Mmhm. It's a competition." She took another drink. It still tasted odd.

"Sorry, Moira. All they had was diet." Daisuke frowned. "I know it tastes a bit different." Moira shrugged. He turned his attention to the group huddled together. "Hey guys, you may wanna give this guy a handicap of some kind."

"Handicap?!" Bakugo went straight to rage. "I don't need any help you idiots!" He growled. "I can win this thing no sweat."

"I dunno man. Have you ever heard her sing before?" Daisuke raised a brow. "She's the real deal, nothin' to take too lightly." 

"Ha! I'm not afraid of this Princess." Bakugo grinned.

"Princess?!" Moira growled, turning towards Bakugo. "I'm far from some dainty princess." 

Mina clapped her hands together to get everyone's attention. Moira took a few more drinks of her soda. She was more thirsty than she thought she was.

"We have decided!" Mina declared, standing in front of the group, all nodding in approval. "Moira and Bakugo will be singing......" Mina put in a pause for dramatic effect, then showed the paper she had written on. 

"So, Bakugo. Have you ever heard it?" Moira grinned, looking over at him. He grunted.

"Who doesn't know that song." Bakugo started towards the stage. "Let's get this over with so I can shut you up." 

Moira took one more drink before following behind him. He swiped a mic from the stand before Moira could get to it and grinned to her. She growled and took the second mic. The intro started to the song.

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