Chapter 20

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~ Chapter Twenty ~

"Where to next?" Questioned Annabelle as we exited Honeydukes.

"How about we take a little break to get a butterbeer?" Pondered Chelsey.

"Sounds good to me," I smiled, looking between my friends.

After entering the Three Broomsticks, Annabelle made her way towards the bar to order our drinks, while Chelsey and I went to find seats.

Chelsey motioned to the available spot near the back and I followed, sitting down across from her.

"My feet are killing me," I sighed in relief, shrugging out of my coat.

"You and me both," Breathed Chelsey.

Annabelle arrived soon after, three warm pints of Butterbeer in her arms. "Here y'a go ladies." She chuckled.

I smiled gratefully, wrapping my hands around my mug in attempt to warm my hands.

"So where do you guys wanna go next?" Asked Chelsey, taking a sip of her drink.

"I don't know about you but I'm planning on heading back, taking a much needed nap." Annabelle yawned, leaning her head in her palm.

"Seriously? We've barely been here that long," I frowned.

She shrugged, giving us a sheepish smile. "A girl needs her beauty sleep, especially with all these upcoming assignments."

"Well I don't know about you, Ce," Started Chelsey, "But I'm planning on stopping by Spintwitches Sporting Needs, I need to get my brother something for Christmas."

"Christmas? That's still weeks away!" I whined.

Chelsey merely shrugged, giving me an apologetic smile.

"Fine, I guess I'll just head to Tomes and Scrolls by myself then?" I grumbled.

"You could always come with me?" She questioned hopefully.

As we entered the Quidditch store, I found myself staring around questioningly at all the gear.

"What are those?" I wondered aloud.

"Really, Ce? They're shin guards." Chelsey rolled her eyes, obviously getting tired of me asking so many questions.

"You're the one who wanted me to come along," I rolled my eyes right back at her, in a more playful manner.

"If I'd known you'd be acting like a seven year old then I wouldn't of suggested it," She mumbled, obviously not intending me to hear.

I frowned at her words, "Fine, I'll meet you back at the castle." I waved goodbye, making my way towards the exit before she could protest.

As I stepped out into the cold air, I let out a long sigh. I decided to walk around Hogsmeade on my own for a bit, but I found myself getting lost in thoughts about a particular Slytherin boy.

Only when I passed by Tomes and Scrolls, did I remember why I had walked this direction in the first place.

Entering the cozy bookshop, I walked along the shelves, scanning them for any books that may catch my eye.

"Cecelia?" I startled at the sound of my voice, turning around slowly and meeting the person's eyes.

"Oh, hello Hermione." I smiled at the brown haired girl. "How's it going?"

"Good," Hermione returned my smile, "What are you doing here?" She asked, moving the books in her hands to rest on her hip.

"Oh, just looking around. I've been meaning to look for some new books to read." I shrugged.

"Well if you'd like I can give you some suggestions?" Hermione questioned, to which I gave her a small nod and a smile.

After purchasing a few books Hermione had suggested, I waved goodbye and decided to make my way back to Spintwitches to see if Chelsey had left yet.

Of course, with my luck, by the time I'd gotten there she was no where to be found. I made one final sweep of the room before turning to leave the store, until -

"James?" I jumped in the slightest at the call of my surname, turning around to face the person.

I felt my eyebrows rise slightly, seeing Draco standing a few feet in front of me studying me with his usual unnerving gaze.

I shuffled awkwardly on my feet, not knowing what to do in this situation - or say for that matter. I had never even spoken to him besides our very few encounters in the corridors, and yet here we stood in a quidditch store, in the middle of Hogsmeade, of all places.

"What are you doing here?" He finally broke the silence. I fidgeted with my fingers, fixing the hat on my head as I spoke, "Oh, um- my friend, I was just looking for her."

He nodded in response, clearly not noticing the stares we'd been getting - from his fellow house people of all people, but I had noticed. I felt myself playing with the ring on my finger nervously, unsure if I should leave or even say anything more, while he stood there scanning the display of gloves, paying no mind to the bewildered glances his friends had been throwing our way.

"Well, um," He stared blank faced at me, "I should go." I motioned to the door behind me, giving him a small wave before turning and exiting the shop. Only when the door shut behind me did I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding in.

Tucking my hands into my pockets, I set off to finally make my way back to the castle, but of course, like always, life had other plans for me.

"You always seem to be making excuses to run away from me," A voice - his voice - said from a few steps behind me, and I wondered how on earth he managed to pay for his quidditch gear and catch up with me within barely 2 minutes.

Instead of responding, because I was honestly at a loss for words, I decided to let him do the talking this time. Of course it took him a little while to realize it was up to him to carry on the conversation - which I wasn't exactly surprised by.

"Where are you headed next?" He questioned, as if he actually showed any interest in where I was going - but regardless of Draco practically being a stranger to me, I still knew from his almost trademark tone of insouciance that he felt no genuine interest towards my response.

Which is why I was so confused that he had been trailing after me, I mean - obviously he wasn't actually curious about where I'd been going, right?

"Just heading back to the castle." I shrugged, not bothering to look up at him. I saw him nod slowly in my peripheral vision, his eyes still hadn't left my face.

I shivered slightly at a large gust of wind that blew my way, wrapping my arms around my waist for warmth. Merlin this was the last time I let Chelsey pick out my clothes, I groaned internally.

"You cold?" He questioned, as if it hadn't been obvious, and still I nodded absentmindedly, continuing to walk without so much as a pause. Well, up until the Slytherin took it upon himself to step in front of me, that is.

I arched a brow, honestly confused as to what he'd been doing - until he began unwrapping his scarf from around his neck and draping it around my own before shoving his hands back into his pockets and rising to his full height. I felt my eyebrows rise in surprise at his actions, which I would've believed to be out of character.

And Draco - as if reading my mind - responded to my shock with, "Just because I'm a Slytherin doesn't mean I don't know how to act as a proper gentleman."

His face remained expressionless, though I could've sworn I noticed the corner of his mouth twitch upwards, and I would've missed it had I not been looking for something of the sort.

"Thank you," I spoke softly. I felt a slight warmth flood my cheeks, and found myself thanking the cold for the already red tinge they held.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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