Chapter 3

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Authors note: I know lily collins has brown hair but just picture her with black hair, haha okay thanks<3
~ Chapter Three ~
"So are you sure it's okay that I sit with you guys?" I asked as I watched Ron shove my trunk into the overhead compartment "Of course!" He said, slightly out of breath.

I felt kind of bad.. my trunk was pretty heavy. "Okay..but honestly, I wouldn't blame you if you said no. I mean we're strangers, for all you know I'm some stalker."

He laughed a little more than I expected. "You don't seem like the type." Said Harry as he added to our laughter.

I snorted at his comment. I leaned my head against the window as I waited in anticipation for the train to leave.

Suddenly a girl with curly brown hair slid open the door and plopped down next to Harry on the seat.

She let out a sigh of what seemed to be relief..maybe a bit of exhaustion? "I've been looking everywhere for you two!" She yelled to Ron and Harry.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm Hermione Granger. Pleasure to meet you." She gave me a kind smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you too. I'm Cecelia, Cecelia James." I returned the smile.

She nodded, "Are you new? Sorry, I don't think we've met." Before I could answer Ron let out a small laugh. "I asked the same thing not ten minutes ago." He stated as he shoved a chocolate frog in his mouth.

I giggled a bit and then turned back to Hermione who already seemed annoyed with Ron, "Yes I am new." I said giving her a genuine smile.

"Oh well that's great. Which house do you imagine you'll be in?"

I gave her a confused look, "House?" I asked. They all let out small laughs.

"Sorry hun," I felt a rush come to my cheeks, "we should probably explain to you how Hogwarts works." Harry said with an apologetic look.

I started to giggle, "That would be nice, please." I sighed.


As I looked out the window I felt like I was in some sort of trance. I've never seen a view like this, it was breathtaking.

My thoughts were suddenly cut off, "Well I suppose you all should change into your robes, we'll be arriving soon." Said Hermione.

I started to panic, "oh gosh I can't be behind on my first day." I said worriedly.

After we all shared a few laughs I started to make my way to the bathroom.

On my way there I managed to bump into someone. Great, I thought. Haven't even gotten there and I'm already making a bad impression.

I glanced up and found myself lost in a pair of Silver-blue eyes. "Uh- I- sorry." The words barely managed to make their way out of my mouth.

I glanced up at the blonde boy who stood in front of me. I expected him to say something at least, anything? No, nothing. Not one word.

He just stared at me. It felt as if his eyes were glaring right through me. It felt..cold.

I managed to get myself up, without any help from him.

But by the time I looked back to where he stood, he was gone.

Did I just see a ghost or something? I shook it off and quickly made my way to the bathroom.

But with my luck it managed to be just as someone else was coming out.

SLAM. The door hit me in the head and before I knew it I was back on the ground.

Twice within the same two minutes? I thought to myself as I rubbed my head.

"Oh my I'm so sorry love!" I heard a boy's voice say, "are you alright?"

I looked up and I was met with a pair of deep brown eyes. They seemed kind. But I sensed something else. Nervousness? I'm not quite sure what..

He gently grabbed my hands to help me up. "Gosh this just keeps happening to me today"

I laughed while I dusted myself off. He looked at me sort of confused.

"Sorry, it's the third time today I've bumped into someone." I said with a half smile.

"Oh no, Merlin. It's my fault I should've checked before opening the door that much." He seems so sincere.

"Sorry, um- Cecelia." I said sticking out my hand. This just has to keep happening. An all too familiar feeling of déjà vu ran through my veins.

"I'm Neville." He seemed nervous, but still managed to give me a genuine smile. He seems so sweet..

After getting back to my seat safely without any more "accidents" I let out a breath I wasn't even aware I was holding in.

"You alright Cecelia?" Harry asked. "Yeah," I smiled. "All good." Or so I thought..

I hadn't even realized I was shaking until he reached over and grabbed my hands "You sure? You seem jittery.." he gave me a worried look.

"Yeah, just nervous." I reassured him. It felt good to know someone actually cared.

At my old school I never had any real friends, just girls who would give me bullshit smiles in the halls and then talk about me behind my back. It sucked.

But I was glad to be here today.


"Want to share a carriage with us Cecelia?" Asked Hermione. A rush of relief washed over me, "I'd love to."

I was quite worried considering I didn't know how things worked around here.

"And please, you can call me Ce." I said. "What about CeCe?" Asked Ron. "Absolutely not!" I laughed, smiling bigger than I have in a while.

"Yeah, sorry sweetheart but that won't stop him." Harry managed to say through his laughter.

Drifting - A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now