Chapter 16

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~ Chapter Sixteen ~
It had been a week since the whole Draco vs. Harry incident that took place at Hogsmeade.

Nothing major happened since then, Draco kept staring at me in class, as per usual.

I mean it was awkward, but every time we'd make eye contact I'd glare at him and roll my eyes, to show him I was annoyed.

It didn't seem to bother him. I mean I'm not sure why it would.. it's not like we were friends. Right?

After having lunch with Chelsey, Ron, Hermione, Annabelle, and Harry, we made my way to the potions room for class.

Luckily that was the one class we all had together. It brought us closer together.

Annabelle and Chelsey were more my friends than the rest, I had met them because we share a dorm.

But because of how often I hangout with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, we all started to hangout together. It's been great.

When we got to potions that day, Slughorn decided we'd be working with a partner of his choice. Just great. I thought.

He slowly listed off everyone's names and paired them up with someone.

There were only a few people left and I was starting to get anxious.

Okay well maybe I'll get Harry as my partner? "Mr. Potter you'll be working with Mr. Longbottom."

Nope. Just great. Okay who's left? Pansy.. um no thanks, Lavender Brown.. not the worst I guess.. Blaise.. Katie Bell.. and, oh no, oh my gosh no no please not Draco-

My thoughts were suddenly cut off as Slughorn called my name. "And for you Ms. James, you'll be working with Mr. Zabini."

Oh, okay so.. not good but..not the worst. DEFINITELY not the worst.

I shrugged and made my way over to Blaise, seeing as he didn't make any attempts at moving spots.

"Long time no see, James" He started, with his typical smirk. "Yeah I guess so." I replied, opening my textbook.

"So how we gonna get this done?" He asked. "I don't know what you mean?" I replied, confused.

"Well seeing as your the expert. I was just wondering what you want me to do?" He smirked.

"Oh, um. Could you go get our cauldron?" I asked, not knowing exactly what he meant.

"Eh I could but I'd much rather watch you walk over there in that skirt." He smirked, licking his lips.

Ew. What the fuck.

I didn't really know what to say, I was in complete shock. I sat their my mouth agape as he bit his lip, I'm assuming he was trying to look attractive. But in all honesty I was so disturbed.

"I- um," I started, but I didn't know what to say.

He grabbed a piece of my hair that had fallen in front of my face, tucking it behind my ear, "I love seeing you all flustered." He whispered.

Out of nowhere he put his hand on my thigh, slowly moving it up. I couldn't take it anymore, I was stuck.

I'm so disturbed I literally can't move.

For some reason this put in some state of shock. I was frozen in place, not knowing what to say or do. People around the class were starting to stare.

All of the sudden I felt like they were all talking about me.

"Oh my gosh is Blaise dating the new girl?"

I heard someone whisper.

"Ew, what a slut."

"Is that Cecelia James?"

"Um get a room"

I wasn't sure if my brain was making these things up or if I actually heard people saying them.

I looked around the room only to find out that it was true, everyone was talking about me.

I stumbled out of my chair and grabbed my bag and ran out of the room. I just had to get out of there.
~ Draco POV ~
I was sitting at my usual spot in potions as Slughorn gave us our assigned partners.

I was hoping I'd get paired up with Cecelia. It'd been a week since what happened at The Three Broomsticks.

I wanted to talk to her and make things right. No, Merlin what am I saying? Make things right? You didn't do anything wrong it was just Potter.

Why does she make me feel this way? She makes me want to be better. She's.. changing me. We're not even friends and she's CHANGING me?! I need to do something about this.

My thoughts were suddenly cut off as Slughorn called her name. "And for you Ms. James, you'll be working with Mr. Zabini."

Fuck. Why does Zabini get to work with her. That should be me.

I watched them talk for a couple of seconds before Cecelia started to look really uncomfortable.

Zabini took a strand of loose hair that laid perfectly in front of her face. Don't you fucking dare.

He tucked it behind her ear before inching himself closer to her.

I noticed him place his hand on her leg and start squeezing her thigh, moving it upwards as he whispered something in her ear.

She looked so uncomfortable. All I wanted to do was run up to him and punch him in the face.

Who does he think he is to touch her like that?!

I started hearing the girls at the table across from me whispering stuff. Then I realized they were talking about Cecelia.

I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying. "Look at... slut.... gross... together? ...get a room..."

I turned my head to look back at Cecelia but my heart immediately sank. She was gone.

Drifting - A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now