Chapter 4

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Authors note: Hey y'all, just wanted to let you know I'm sorry there hasn't been that many parts with Draco yet, I just wanted to give the story a chance to start off so you could get a feel for her character. I didn't wanna rush into it like some fanfics do :) BUT I'm promising some real Draco action coming up haha, that's all<3
~ Chapter Four ~
"By the way Ce I thought you should know once we get there you're going to have to be sorted." Said Harry as we made our way to the great hall.

"Like.. in front of people?" I gave him a worried look. "Um..yeah." He scratched the back of his neck. "Oh, great."

I guess I sounded pretty nervous because Ron and Hermione glanced at me, sharing the same troubled look. "Sorry.." I muttered as I continued walking, staring down at my feet.

"Awe you'll be okay little one!" Ron said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder to cheer me up. I gave him a small smile.


"Cecelia, James!" A lady shouted. I made my way to the sorting hat as the same thought kept bouncing around in my head.

Just breathe. Don't fall. Don't fall. Do not fall.

Knowing how clumsy I am I wouldn't be surprised if I did.

Luckily though, I made it all the way to the seat and hesitated before gently plopping down on the chair.

Oh my goodness, I swear if this thing gives me lice- but before I could think anything else the hat was placed on my head.

"Hmm. I sense courage..a little bit of ambition I suppose? Definitely intelligence. Maybe you'd be a good fit in Ravenclaw..but, what's this? My dear you have quite a strong sense of loyalty. We'd better make it HUFFLEPUFF!"

I wasn't too sure how I felt about this. To be honest I wasn't even completely sure what each house stood for.

But I tried to give my best smile as I made my way over to the table of cheering Hufflepuffs.

I took the closest empty spot I could see, next to a boy with brown hair.

He's pretty cute.. I thought. Okay well I guess I'm not complaining..

He gave me a warm smile. It made me feel a little less worried. I smiled back without hesitation.

Yeah.. okay so I could get used to this..

"I'm Cedric," He filled the space between us by sticking out his arm.

I shook his hand but then suddenly he brought it up to his lips where he placed a small kiss. "Pleasure." He said.

I let out a nervous giggle and looked down at my lap.

Hopefully he can't see me blushing. I felt my face heat up.

After a few minutes of getting to know the people around me, I finished my dinner and found myself staring at my now empty plate.

I sighed and decided to take out my book The Fault In Our Stars.

I know, I know, typical teenage girl. But it was one of my favourites.

Reading muggle books made me feel connected to my dad in a way.. It reminded me of my past, and how simple it was.

I mean, before I found out I was a witch. It made me feel safe.

But as I flipped through the pages of my book I got this strange feeling, as if someone was watching me.

I looked around the room but I couldn't see anyone looking my way. Until my eyes reached the Slytherin table.

There sat a boy, blonde, silver eyes.. I feel like I know him.. oh my gosh I know him.

It was the same boy I bumped into on the train.

The same silver eyes that made you feel like he was staring deep into your soul. But then I realized it wasn't just a feeling.

He was actually staring. At me. I felt my cheeks flush and quickly looked down at my lap.

Suddenly I felt dizzy. Maybe all this was too much for me in one day. I decided to go up to my dorm.

As I stood up from my seat Cedric noticed my movement. "Are you leaving already?" He asked.

"Um, yeah. I think I'm just gonna head up to my dorm, I'm pretty tired." I said giving him a half smile.

"Alright, well do you need help finding your way?" He offered. "Sure, I'd love that" I said smiling.

After saying goodbye to his friends he took my hand and led me out of the hall.

On our way there we talked about how things were before I got accepted into Hogwarts.

"Well I went to a muggle school until I was around 8 and I found out I could do magic. We had just moved to France around the same time so I went to Beauxbatons. But we moved back to Canada just last spring and mom decided it'd be a good idea for me to attend Hogwarts. Considering she did when she was younger." I told him.

"Did your father go to Hogwarts as well?" Cedric asked, sounding genuinely interested.

"No actually, my father was a muggle." I answered truthfully.

I was a little nervous because my brother had told me that most wizards aren't very fond of muggles.

However, Cedric just smiled, "That's interesting. What's he like?"

"Um, well actually he passed away a few years back. But he was great. Amazing actually." I said.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I wish I'd known." He gave me an apologetic look.

"No, no, trust me it's okay. You had no way of knowing." I reassured him.


When we got to the Hufflepuff common room Cedric showed me to my dorm and then said he was off to meet some friends.

I decided to get my stuff organized for classes tomorrow and put away my clothes.

Once I finished emptying out my trunk I laid on my bed and started reading my book.

Before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep...

Drifting - A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now