Chapter 19

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~ Chapter Nineteen ~
"Cecelia," I woke up to a large whack on the head. "Get- Up- Right- Now-" Um okay, OW.

I let out a loud groan, "Let me sleeeep," Okay maybe I was being dramatic, but do you blame me? Draco kept me up all night.

"No." Chelsey said blankly. "Annabelle and I wanna eat before we go to Hogsmeade!"

"Well I don't see how I fit into that equation," I said, rolling over and pulling my comforter over my head, "but you're welcome to go without me," I added, my voice slightly muffled from the blanket.

"You're not staying here, we all know you're going to sleep all day if we don't get you up." Annabelle cut in.

"I don't wanna," I whined petulantly.

"Too bad," Bantered Chelsey, mocking my childish attitude.

"Now come on sleepyhead, up- you- get." Continued Annabelle, clapping her hands between her words.

"Noo stop it's cold!" I shrieked as my friends pulled the large blanket off my shivering figure.

"It's two against one," Stated Chelsey.

"For all you know I could've been naked under there!" I shouted, pointing between the two.

Annabelle giggled, "Well I guess we were lucky." As Chelsey just let out a sound of disgust.

"Ugh," I groaned. "Fine."

"Alrighty-roo," Cheered Annabelle. Chelsey and I sent her perplexed glances. "How is it you're so enthusiastic in the morning? I mean it's-"

I glanced at the clock, "It's only 7:30 and you psycho's woke me up!?" I groaned once more, throwing myself back onto my bed.

Without saying another word, my friends grabbed my ankles and dragged me off of the warm mattress.

"Up." Said Chelsey, grabbing my wrist and tugging me upwards.

"Try not to dislocate my hand thank you very much," I muttered, rubbing my arm.

"I don't think you can do that.." Replied Annabelle, earning a glare from me.

Without saying anything more, Chelsey pushed me towards the shower. "Well I at least need clothes!" I shouted as she slammed the door in my face.

"We'll deal with that. Just get ready!" They shouted back in unison.

I sighed, before reluctantly undressing myself and stepping into the large shower.

After showering I used my wand to dry my hair, and applied some light makeup.

"Wow. We sure have different styles.." I mumbled, glancing at the outfit my friends had picked out. Though considering the little range in colours, I assumed it had been mostly Chelsey's decision.

"Oh shush, it'll look cute." I sighed at her response, taking the clothes and entering the bathroom once more.

Honestly I just wasn't in the mood to have to pick out my own outfit.

Not my ideal pick, but this'll do for today, I shrugged.

Not my ideal pick, but this'll do for today, I shrugged

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A/N: (something like this)

After getting dressed I curled my hair slightly and put in some silver studs for earrings.

"Y'know Chels, sometimes it's hard to remember you're a Hufflepuff considering how you dress.." I said to my friends as I exited the bathroom.

"Oh shush, be happy I gave you a skirt," I chuckled at her reply.

"You can thank me for that, she was gonna put you in those," Said Annabelle, pointing to a pair of cargo pants.

I made a bleh noise to show my distaste, before giggling at the irritated look on Chelsey's face.

"I'm just messing, I actually don't mind this outfit too much..." Her eyes lit up as the words left my mouth.

"That doesn't mean I'm willing to dress like this everyday though." I was quick to add, seeing her excitement die down a little.

"One day.." Chelsey sighed.

We shared a few more giggles before heading down to the great hall for breakfast.

After entering the great hall I took my usual seat next to Cedric, as Annabelle and Chelsey sat across from us.

"Good morning ladies," Cedric gave us a smile before continuing to eat.

"Morning," Chelsey and I said in unison, as Annabelle just stared at Cedric. I swear I could see drool forming at her mouth.

Chelsey rolled her eyes playfully before grabbing a piece of toast. "You going to hogsmeade today?" I asked Cedric.

He gave me a small nod and a smile, which I returned. "You?" He asked, glancing between the three of us. We nodded in response.

"Do you ever go anywhere without that thing?" Asked Chelsey, pointing to my book.

"No." I replied honestly, with a slight laugh. She shook her head and smiled, "I'm surprised you're not in Ravenclaw."

I glared at her playfully, "Could say the same for you and Slytherin."

She gasped, placing her hand over her heart to act as if she'd been hurt. I giggled before taking a sip of my pumpkin juice.

"Oh, my-" I heard Chelsey whisper. I looked up to see her and Annabelle in fit of giggles.

"What's going on?" I gave them a puzzled glance. Annabelle squealed before pointing at the Slytherin table. I slowly followed her finger, immediately regretting it.

Ah, yes of course. The one and only Slytherin king. Though it probably shouldn't at this point, it still shocked me to see that he had been staring at me.

Our eyes met for a split second before he quickly looked away. Huh. I thought.

"He's so into you." Said Chelsey, her mouth slightly full. This seemed to draw the attention of Cedric, as he suddenly looked up from his bowl of cereal. "Who is?" He questioned.

"Nobody," I sighed. "They just assume somebody likes me because they happened to be looking at me. It's only a coincidence though, really."

Cedric nodded, then turned to look at Chelsey and Annabelle. Chelsey shook her head, as if she hadn't believed a single word that came out of my mouth.

Annabelle stayed silent, her cheeks flushed slightly from making eye contact with Cedric.

I sighed, before continuing to read my book as I waited for breakfast to pass by.
A/N: Sorry it's short, i've been really busy with school! Next chapter will be longer :)

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