Chapter 4 - Adapting

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  "It is." he bluntly spoke, only beginning to shift his stare into that of a concerned gaze, when he noticed my body begin to freeze up silently. "Wait- don't tell me.. no one told you?" he stepped out of the doorway, now looking down at me. 

"I-I um no.." I tilted my face away from him, avoiding eye contact. 

"Shit, seriously? I thought that would've been the first thing my dad let you know...because it's kind of a really important thing to..know?" He paused, starting to scratch the back of his head anxiously glancing at me again to read my expression. When It was obvious that I wasn't going to give him a response, he exhaled softly. 

"Hey, I really don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything.. so I can go sleep on the couch if you want, it's really not a big deal. Just let me know, ill tell my parents and we can figure something out." 

I looked up at his genuine expression, eyebrows furrowing with worry at the situation. Although sharing a room with someone I've just met was by no means an appealing idea, I bit my lip at the guilt of him having to sleep outside of his room to accommodate me. I began to stand up, picking my belongings off the floor to face him.

"No." I inhaled slowly  "it's fine you don't have to do that. I'm the one staying inside your house, I should be grateful enough that I even get a room, regardless of sharing or not. But thank you.. for wanting to do that for me though, I really appreciate it." 

His face began to soften with relief, although he really meant when he said he didn't want to make me uncomfortable, the idea of sleeping on that brick of a couch made his palms sweat a bit. However he wasn't quite convinced, he was still unsure if you really thought it was okay.

 "I mean I don't want to pressure you or anything so if you change your mind, please tell me. Don't force yourself into something you aren't comfortable wi-"

"Ferb, really, I'm fine. I know we just met and everything but it's not like I don't trust you. But I guess it's true that I'm not that comfortable with you yet. But.. I guess that just means we should get to know each other more." I looked up, smiling shyly. He was a little taken aback by your sudden shift in demeanor but returned the smile, chuckling sheepishly. After a short moment of silence, he shifted his gaze towards my suitcase and surrounding bags at my feet. 

"Oh yeah, I can help you put these in my-" he hesitated. "well I guess our room now?" he turned back with a slight chuckle. I shook my head and laughed following him back into the entrance of his room, to which he used his elbow to push the door open wider.

"Okay, I guess for now you can just put those on the chair in that corner there.. and ill try to make room for your stuff over here." I nodded in response, setting my bags down on a purple loveseat near a wardrobe. I took the time to look at the surroundings, taking in the environment of the room. It was decently big with a slanted ceiling that gave the room sort of a lofty vibe. A large pallet bed was positioned right in front of a bay window, slits of the moonlight subtly seeping onto the sheets. There were also a lot of plants. A lot. Like plants hanging from the ceiling and plants covering almost every surface inside the room. I personally loved the feeling of having plants in any living space due to the fact it always made the room feel more tranquil. So obviously I was more than delighted by this. "I never thought he'd be a plant guy." I internally laughed to myself, turning away to hide my smile. As I lightly graced a leaf with my finger I noticed a bookshelf settled in the opposite corner of the room. Although I wasn't very surprised because Ferb does look like quite the social reject. I approached the shelf and began to trace my index finger along the spines of all of the books until I found one that I recognized. "No way. This book sucks ass." I pulled it out and began to flip through it, Ferb curiously glancing over in my direction hearing the sound of the turning pages. He didn't say anything but smiled to himself. You picked out his childhood favorite. 

After a couple of minutes and halfway through your chapter, he finally finished clearing out everything needed to make room for you. "That should be good enough." He hummed with satisfaction. "Oh right, let me know if you wanna switch out or redecorating anything."

"Thank you." you smiled at his accommodating gestures. "No it's no problem, sorry my room is a little messy. You probably would've been better off with Phineas if I'm honest." 

"Phineas?"  you thought to yourself. "Oh yeah." you realized. "He has a brother."

I chuckled awkwardly at his statement. "I don't know, your room is actually pretty cool. I wouldn't mind staying here for a while." 

"Really?" he exclaimed looking a little surprised at my comment. "Well, I'm glad you like it, make yourself comfortable. I mean it is technically yours now" He let out a small laugh. 

"Okay. Will do." And with that you took the opportunity to toss the book somewhere on the sheets plopped onto the bed back first, sighing with satisfaction. You didn't see Ferbs face form an amused expression as you closed your eyes. However, unlike your first encounter, you genuinely lacked the ability to care about what you looked like right now. Being tired was an understatement. You were absolutely exhausted and you've been trying to compose yourself and put up a front to the point where you felt like you were going to pass out. Not only was the car ride here long as hell, but you also haven't been able to just lay down and relax for ages without the noise of your oh so problematic life in the background. It was quiet here, and to be honest Ferbs presence was calming in a way you didn't really understand nor care to. 

As you slowly began to melt within his comfortable ass mattress you suddenly felt a soft blanket being tossed on top of you. You looked up to see Ferb standing beside the bed turning away from you, ears red from his impulsive urge to accommodate you. "You can take a nap for a bit if you want, I don't think dinners going to be ready for another 40 minutes. And don't worry, I promise to wake you up." You gave him a subtle nod thinking he was just acknowledging how exhausted I might be but little did you know, although he did want to make sure you could sleep comfortably, he was trying to distract himself from that gargantuan fat ass you had in that skirt.

 I scooted up the bed a bit so my head was now resting on his assortment of pillows. I gave him a soft smile as he sat down at a desk placed beside me opening his laptop, still avoiding eye contact. I turned my head to him tucking my knees in watching him looking intently at the screen, occasionally furrowing his eyebrows and typing aggressively. "Whatever he's doing he's doing it pretty passionately." I smiled feeling my eyelids begin to weigh down with the stirring of tiredness as I continued to drowsily gaze at him.  

I think I might be able to get used to this. I thought silently.

If he's here with me

My eyelids finally shut entirely as my body finally succumbed to the fatigue, drifting off.

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