Chapter 5 - This Feeling

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Ferb POV:

    As I began to complete my expected duties as a discord moderator I turned to see Y/N curled up sleeping soundly. Her expression looked calm, but it was apparent that there was sadness deeply veiled underneath. I looked at her tenderly unable to imagine what she must have gone through to get to this point. I leaned over and pulled the blanket higher so it rested over her full form. She flinched slightly at the graze of my fingers to which hesitated any further movements. My heart slightly clenched at this, that of sorrowfulness. I was sorry that an individual like Y/N would have to experience that of what she did and I found myself wanting to support her in whatever insignificant way I can. I began to focus on her features, her relaxed face accompanied by her even breathing. Her face began to twitch and shift into that of an inconsolable expression. Suddenly a tear trailed down the side of her cheek and stained the pillow below, soaking her lashes. her lips were ever so slightly quivering as she silently wept unconsciously. I furrowed my eyebrows as I witnessed this. Just watching this drove an intense feeling of melancholy within me. I extended my hand to graze her cheek and wipe away her tears as she flinched once again below me. But she began to tilt her head and lean into my hand, responding to the touch. I stroked her cheek again all the while still wiping her ongoing tears away. She began to calm down as I did this, her breathing evening out once more. I stroked the hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, still cupping the side of her face. She relaxed into my palm and seemed to have stopped completely. After realizing what I just did, I quickly retracted my hand, unsure of how easily I was able to touch someone so intimately like this. Someone I quite literally met less than 4 hours ago. I looked down at my palm and noticed the pads at the base of my fingers moist from her tears. I then glanced back at her and tried to put together how I developed an attachment to someone like this so effortlessly.

   I grew up not having many friends, Phineas having to be the person to drive me out of my shell and introduce me to people as well as learn how to socialize in a manner that was acceptable. The only friend I've ever been able to make on my own was Vanessa, and she's someone I've come to rely on when learning about how to act around girls. So doing this to someone whom I've not only just come to meet, but also feeling this almost paternal sense of responsibility for them made me feel complicated in more ways than one. Not only that but being around her feels so natural. It's like we've already gone through the beginning stages of getting to know each other and reached a sense of comfortability with our relationship. This was a feeling I've never in my life been able to experience and it really did scare me in a sense. But..It made me even more curious about her. And this feeling, it didn't feel bad.

I think I might be able to get used to it. She's sexy asf.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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