Chapter 3 - A Reason to Look Forward

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A week later

We finally made it to the front ot his house. I looked out the window of the passenger seat as Mr.Fletcher exited the car. he walked around to my side to open the door for me, trying to give me a reassuring friendly smile. I attempted one back, but my hesitance shown through. I stepped out of his car and tried to get a better view of just where exactly i would be staying for who knows how long. It was a two story average suburban house in an average neighborhood. It was a bit reassuring knowing at least this family would be normal,
or so I thought..

As Mr.Fletcher fumbled through his pockets to find his keys, the door abruptly opened to a tall green haired geometrical headed boy. He looked around my age. I couldn't grasp whether this boy was friendly or not because of his neutral almost cold facial expression. We held eye contact for what seemed like minutes until he broke it to exchanged glances with Mr.Fletcher. The boy gave him a questioning look with his eyes to which Mr. Fletcher responded with a slight nod.
"Oh!" Fletcher exclaimed, seemingly realizing something. "I haven't introduced you to my family yet haha.." he scratched the back of his head. The boy leaned against the door frame appearing uninterested. "Um well, I wanted this to be a more formal meeting but since you guys have already met this is my son Ferb.
"Ferb??" I thought to myself. "Who the hell would name their kid Ferb." I continued think, letting out a slight chuckle. Ferb looked at me questionably, Fletcher doing the same. After realizing that I didn't introduce myself back I turned to face him looking down.
"Hey, I'm Y/N..." I started to say. "I guess I'm going to be living with you for a while," I said hesitantly. When I didn't hear a response I looked up to see Ferb just staring down at me silent. He then proceeded to walk inside the house, still not acknowledging my introduction. I stood there mouth agape wondering if he took offense to when I started laughing when his dad said his name. Ferb turned around and left the doorway without a word. Fletcher catching on to my worried facial expression quickly reassured me saying: "Sorry about that... Ferb isn't really a..talkative type. I'm sure he didn't mean any offense by it. Once you get closer I'm sure he'll be more comfortable around you." I nodded and thanked him for his consistent concern, however, I still felt like there would remain tension between me and Ferb. "I haven't even stepped into the house yet and I've already managed to make a bad impression." I condemned myself internally while pursing my lips.

I sighed it off, following closely behind Mr. Fletcher as he began to step inside. I took off my shoes and began to look around me. It looked like a regular suburban house, as I expected, just like the outside. In front of me stood a dining table with a kitchen behind it, leading into a living room with a glass backyard door. Their backyard looked insanely huge. Fletcher turned to face me with a proud expression. "Welcome to my humble abode!" I scoffed with a smile to just how much of a stereotypical white dad he was, but I could tell he was trying his best to make me comfortable which I did genuinely appreciate. "I'll show you to your room and let you wash up for a bit, dinners gonna be at 7! Just head downstairs to this dining table here and I can finally introduce you to the rest of my family." He grinned.

He led me upstairs and pointed to a door at the end of a hallway. There were three on one side of the wall sitting directly next to each other which I assumed would be the other bedrooms. "Well, I'll leave you alone for a bit but don't hesitate to ask for anything, everyone here is at your service! And if anyone refuses help let me know asap!" he saluted and walked away. I smiled at his gesture and began to walk towards the door he pointed at.

I stood in front of it, taking a deep breath as I grabbed the handle. I opened the door and peeked inside. It was bright. Not only bright, there was someone inside, but I could only see a fraction of what I assumed was their arm. I stuck my head further to see someone shirtless grabbing a shirt from their closet. They suddenly turned around only to see my mouth open staring at them. It was the same boy from earlier. Ferb.

"Oh my god S-Sorry" I closed my eyes finally realizing the gravity of the situation and slammed the door shut. I turned around and leaned against the door with my back sliding down trying to process what just happened. A blush finally crept up my entire body as I recalled his toned waist. I shoved my face into my hands screaming internally, relentingly hitting myself in the head to stop my racing idiotic thoughts. "It just had to be him, it just had to be the one dude that doesn't like me here." I silently screamed, not realizing the door was beginning to shift open.

Ferb POV:

I thought about my first encounter with Y/N as I slid my shirt off, scrummaging to find a new one for dinner, self-concious that her first impression of me was a . "Maybe I came off a bit rude." I thought to myself. But it really wasn't my intention. Who wouldn't get nervous seeing someone that pretty and finding out they're going to be sharing a room with me. "Speaking of that, is she going to be coming in here to soon? I really need to hurry up." I quickly furrowed my eyebrows still trying to look through my closet unable to find a shirt to my liking. "I'll try talking to her and maybe make it up to her or something." I finally concluded nodding my head. I found a tan shirt that fit the script well enough and as I began to pull it out, I heard the creak of the bedroom door open. I froze, hoping it wasn't who I thought it was, slowly turning my head to see Y/N staring at me blankly with only her head peeking through. After staring at each other for more seconds than needed she stammered out an embarrassed "S-Sorry" and shut the door. I still stood there grasping what just happened. She just saw me shirtless. My eyes widened as started to blush, knowing this was probably even more embarrassing for her. I quickly put my shirt on and walked towards the door, wondering if she was still there. I began to grab the handle, pushing it open slightly feeling that there was pressure on the other side. "What do I even say in this situation..?" I bit my lip, hating the fact that this is our first genuine encounter besides introductions. I thought back to when she first opened the door I turned around and saw her face. She was looking directly at my body, mouth open. She wasn't even being subtle about it. I started to laugh, having to cover my mouth so she wouldn't hear. "She's kinda cute."

Back to your POV:

The door shifted open slightly as I quickly got up from the floor and faced the entrance. Ferb now stood on the other side looking at me up and down. This attention made me even more embarrassed as I looked down again, feeling inclined to apologize again.

"I'm really Sorry-" He cut me off.

"Don't you know how to knock?" He said slightly laughing.

I looked up and saw him smiling, ears red with embarrassment. I nervously laughed back, feeling a bit more comfortable after seeing him in a more friendly manner. "I guess Fletcher was right about him." I thought to myself.

"I'm really sorry, I think I got confused.. I thought this was my room.." I replied sheepishly.
"It is."

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