Chapter 2 - Dried Tears

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3 days later...

You awoke to the fluorescent unfamiliar lights glaring with a reality of the disturbance yet to enter your conscious. The thin bedsheets that warmed nothing but the fraction of hope embedded in a comfort of internal lies. As you blinked, you felt the flakes of dried tears texture your cheeks discreetly. Your fingers began to tingle and twitch with the numb feeling of approaching realization. Everything replayed in your mind, from start to absolute finish until your eyes began to gloss over once again, moisturizing those same previously dries tear-stains. You didn't want to look around the room, you knew if you did the sight would only succumb you in further pain. So you just laid... laid among the current pain you experienced, nothing more nothing less.

You didn't know how long you laid there, eyes sealed shut, fists clenched weakly until you heard the steps of platformed shoes against the tiled hospital floor. Only then did you open your eyes to look at the entrance of the room. A man with brown hair and thick rimmed black glasses carefully approached you with a soft knowing gaze. He did not speak, only placing a clipboard down beside your bed and positioning himself on a nearby stool. He picked up a glass of water sat on your bedside table and offered it with slow movements. You accepted it eagerly, only now taking note of how rough your throat felt. As you began to take sips of the water he took the opportunity to introduce himself.

"Hello Y/N...My name is Lawrence Fletcher and I'm the physician that has been aiding you thus far." He lightly spoke. "I know you probably have many questions, but before you ask, I would like to ensure your health is intact."

You stared at him, taking note of how careful he has been to be observant and kind around you, and concluded that this man would truly take care of you. You transferred your eyes to look down at your hands, fumbling them to distract yourself from the tears beginning to form in the presence of this genuine figure. He reminded you of your dad. This triggered an uncontrollable sob as you began to no longer have the strength to contain yourself. His eyes softened and took it upon himself to caress your back with the gentleness of nothing more than a feather.

You finally calmed down, refusing to make eye contact with him embarrassed this man's first conscious encounter with you was you crying over your dead parents. You laughed slightly catching him off-guard, although he recognized sometimes laughing as a form of cope. His concern still showed, wondering what to say in a situation like this, concluding he would not say anything at all. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, but you felt like you needed to ask the question you already knew the answer to.

You began to part your mouth, about to speak when he grabbed your shoulder and made you face him. He looked deeply into your eyes with those of sorrow, already knowing what you were about to say, not wanting you to have to. You knew, but his validation somehow made the thought even more painful.

He began to stand, and exit to give you the space he knew you needed but you abruptly stopped him by grasping his coat sleeve.

"Wait..please." you needed to know.

"What's going to happen to me now...?" your voice breaking, barely being able to finish the sentence.

"I was going to wait to tell you, but your dad was actually one of my very, very close friends and on his will... He entrusted me to care for you if anything ever happened."

You didn't know how to react but deep down you did feel a spark of relief knowing your parents chose someone you knew was genuine.

"I'll show you where you'll be staying when you get discharged... I don't want to go into too much detail now, but I wanted to let you know beforehand. I do have two sons and a daughter who you will be staying with, but for now please get some rest and don't worry about anything concerning your safety." He spoke with a small, sad smile and exited the room.

You relaxed into your bed, tears still streaming down your cheeks, but this time... you knew you would be okay.

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