Chapter 38

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I watch lightly as my mate and sons run around like they rule the world. Well in reality Tom is just holding them while he walks around like he owns the room..which he might but that isn't the point. Suddenly I start thinking. Why didn't Tom kill Draco? Why didn't I feel weird when Draco touched me?

"Tom?" I asked looking over to my mate. He looks over to me confused. I show a come here motion. Also about 30 minutes ago Blaise came back so Ron is cuddling his guy with the familiar on his tummy.

"Yes Love?" Tom asked the moment he got over. I look at him seriously.

"Why didn't you kill Draco?" I asked looking at my mate. Tom looks deep in thought for a moment.

"I am not completely sure. One instant touching him is completely revolting, but him touching you wasn't exactly taboo in my mind? If that makes any sense" I look over..but Draco was never said to be my there a chance Draco is another mate of mine?

"Hey, um, if it is about Draco if you are going to talk about this..please bring him in the room, I feel as if this is a conversation that he would need to listen to." Blaise said looking over. I saw Ron having a serious face before nodding as well. I nod lightly.

"You think that is a good idea?" I ask my mate. He looks at me for a moment and thought before nodding.

"Okay, so I will call the young Malfoy..although his father will most likely be with him." I nod, I wouldn't doubt Lucius would be here at all. I look at my dad who joins to be a part of the family.

"Let them know to come in here." I say to tom. Tom nods lightly before pressing his wand to his mark. I look closer as the two Malfoys and a Greyback pop into the room. All of them looked kinda puffy..yeesh.

"Why did you call us My Lord?" Lucius asked bowing lightly. I look over to the boy who kissed me not even 24 hours ago.

"We need to talk" Tom said sternly. His whole 'I'm so badass' didn't work cause he was holding two adorable babies.

"Should we go to the commons?" Lucius asked confused. I look around the room where everyone is basically just chillin. I see Ron having some popcorn. I look at him but he just grins.

"I mean everyone is just in here. Just find some place to sit and we will get started" I said shrugging my shoulders. I see how stiff Draco is. I also see a pained look in his eyes as he looks over to us. That look strikes my heart.

"What is going on My Lord?" Lucius asked as he sat down. Fenrir right next to him and Draco a little more to the side.

"We have been talking about what had just occurred in the hall just now" in that instant the two Malfoys freeze. I saw Draco having that pained look.

"W-What is your choice in this matter" Lucius said stumbling over his words. Looking over to his son lightly.

"I don't understand it myself but I do not want to kill Draco for kissing my mate" the two let out a quick sigh of relief.

"Okay first things first, how do you feel about touching the other" I said boredly. Both instantly shiver and look kind of disgusted. "And how do you feel about the other touching me" in that instant they both just look confused.

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