Chapter 13

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A/N THIS IS PROLLY GONNA BE A RANDOM CHAPTER. If I actually get motivation through it it wont but right now I dont know what to write but you guys deserve an update. If it's bad I will remake it as long as one of you ask. Thank you.

Never mind 5 sentences in and I have an idea.

Harry's POV

I wake up and try to stretch. Key word tried. I was surrounded by muscles. Well 2 muscle arms around my waste. I giggle a littl thinking of how cuddly he is. Even if he is the big bad dark lord. I look around and see Kotas looking around. Lil pup face. Or is it dragon. Whatever bitch. I look back at my technically future husband. And just look from his long eyelashes. His pale skin. His black hair. His pink red lips. Nose that in the slightest bit is slanted. Like he broke it before. Then I look at his eyes seeing gorgeous red... wait RED?!!?

"having fun watching me baby?" Tom asks looking amused. I giggle but blush hard. I cant believe I got caught. I've gotten caught a lot actually.

"Very much" I say shyly. He smiles. It's always bigger with me but this one seems bigger than usual. But I can see sadness. Most I bet because I have to leave.

"Hey baby?" He asks. He sounds hesitant. But I nod at him. "Do you promise to come as much as you can. And if you cant I have something for you" I smile. This man doesnt know me well it seems.

"Of course I'll come as much as possible. And what do you have if I cant?" I ask. He hesitates but grabs something from the drawer on his side if the table.. its a book?

"This. I have an exact copy. They're technically bonded together if you get me. I also have a mirror. The mirror allows us to see eachother and talk face to face. But the book allows us to send messages or carry conversations like that. Do you like it" he asks. I smile and hug him. I look at the mirror and book. And just hide my head in his shoulder. I'm gonna miss this. So much. I'm gonna go crazy. Imma go trigger happy. Imma hex so many people they cant breath.

"I love it. So much. I cant believe you went through this trouble. I have a perfect mate" I kiss his cheek like a million times before he chuckles and pulls me off.

"No your perfect. Now.. we have to pack the last of your clothes and go to platform 9 and 3/4s.. even thought I despise Hogwarts...and people...and anyone but you and a select few"  I giggle at him but get up. Sadly. And start packing. With Tom tight beside me.

No ones POV at Malfoy house

"Guys I have an idea" a certain blond Malfoy says to his friends.

"What is it" A pug like girl asks her blond friend

"Well Meyhem is definitely in Slytherin" the malfoy says to his friends. Grinning while telling them his plan.

Back to Harry's POV

After we got done with packing Tom and I went to the dining hall. Taking our sleeping familiars with us. Once we get there we sit down. Me on his lap. I really dont want to stop touching him right now. My submissive side is already a whimpering mess for later. But once we finish eating. My heart is pounding and it hurts. My thought is bubbling up to a whimper. I look right at Tom. My tears burn my eyes. I need to go to the train soon.

"Baby baby shhh" he whispers. Hugging me tight. I whimper. He just holds tighter. "Hey baby I have an idea. Take this" he says. Still not letting me go. But takes off his cloak. Leaving his clothes. And hands it to me. "Your submissive side may feel better if it has something or somethings from me. We can get more real quick if you want" I nod my head. I thought it would fall off with how bad. He nods and gets up with my legs wrapped around his waiste and my arms around his neck sniffing and nuzzling desperately.

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