Chapter 29

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I apologize in advance for the Neville x Luna shippers. It seems like Theodore and Neville won. If it makes people feel better. It's going to be like Ron and Blaise. They are together but dont show up more than a small bit or unless I'm feeling generous. Although male pregnancy may happen for him too if the Theo x Neville want it badly. Just like if you want Ron and Blaise to have a kid comment.

9/2/20. Sorry for the long wait I've even busy with school. I started this chapter a week ago but I had homework. So I tried to make it long. I hope you enjoy. School and inspiration do not mix. Every time I try to work it's like "oh wait the data in this experi... fuck wait back to the story" and I end up thinking of my homework.. I had Mathmatics. Science (won't tell which one. Easy to tell what grade). A whole packet for science though and also vocabulary and prompts also a diagram for a notebook. Then a history type of class and. I'm a whole mess. I'm sorry.

Harry's POV

I wake up in the morning. Looking at my small twins and seein little Adonis starin right back at me. I giggle lightly.

July 31st.. my birthday.. damn it's been a while. 18 years old. Have a fiance and little twin boys.

"Come here ya big baby. Even if you are a baby." I said giggling awkward at my own awkward phrase I uttered on accident. Adonis fusses when I try to pick him up. "Adonis?" I ask. He wiggles some more. I look at Amir and see him wide awake.

"Maaaahsmglwhnelshvh" Amir said.

"Amir first today? Must be hungry huh? Or at the same time." Both seem to wiggle more at the same time so I sigh and pick then up. One in each hand. Damn this is awkward. And it takes a while too. Even if Amir let go before Adonis. I couldn't move him well.

"Even on your birthday love you get up early and take care our sons" Tom said startling me. I giggle as he holds my waist and takes Amir from my arms starting to burp that one as I burp Adonis that just finished eating.

"Being a mother is a full time job. I cant just quit one day." I say smiling at me son who smirked. Like he is the reason we get so tired. Which he is. And damn proud of himself.

"I get it love. I just wish you had a day to yourself. Which is why. We are going out for lunch." Tom said. I smile slightly.

"I will need to leave them the milk. 2 bottles each. And damn it hurts taking it out at once" I say giggling slightly. He smiles and kisses my head.

"We will be back before dinner. But everyone here will take care of these two troublemakers" Tom said tickling Amirs belly who smiles. Smiling still looks constipated and so does Adonis smirk but. Its..a smile and smirk. I mean they're only a month. I look at Tom who is holding Amir like he is the most precious thing in the world...that alone is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. I look to Adonis who has his mouth open.. hm?

"Oh binkey?" I ask my son. He gurgles. I put in a Daddys little boy binkey. He immedietly starts sucking. I giggle. Amir looks at his brother. And starts gurgling. I give the daddy a mommy's little boy binkey. He smiles and gives it to Amir.

"How do you know?" Tom asks me. I smirk.

"Well I guess its just mommy's intuition." I said smirking. Tom looks at me and shakes his head. "Okay okay. They usually like being like eachother. If one has something the other wants it. Or they offer up stuff to each other. And I didnt want Adonis to offer his binkey. So I tested a binkey with Amir." I ramble a little.

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