Chapter 28

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Hopefully quick update. I feel bad about making you wait so long. Even if its because I'm getting a damn education.
Also if any of you are worried. I am 15-25 no lower. No higher. It's not going to be weird. I'm sorry if you are 11+ but its awkward for me to learn a person writing pretty sexual stuff sometimes is only like 11-14.

Also Neville Longbottom dates.

2 for Luna Lovegood

1 for Theodore Nott

Still need to figure out with who he needs to be with. Please if you have any votes or whatever join in.

Harry's POV

I wake up. I'd say pretty early. Even though I'm here my sleep schedule isnt easy to change. Even though I eat a little more and drink more. Even gained weight and stopped worrying about my scars. Even flinching went down. I still don't need much sleep. It may also be for the fact that i have kids though. Speaking of. I look at my Adonis and Amir. Amir is sleeping. (Although my now I feel like it is pretend until his twin gets milk). I take off my shirt and wipe down my front I dont want them getting infections since I forgot to wipe off dirt and sweat. I grab Adonis and let him latch on. Tom's arm is around my lap and waiste. Softly snoring.

"You almost done love" I say to my Adonis. He whimpers. And keeps sucking. I giggle. I let him have his fill. Growing boy dammit. But when he finishes. I burp him and wipe off his mouth. And immediately see Amir staring at me. I swear hes awake when Adonis is. I pick him up and lead him to my other side. As he starts.

"Do you always wake up just in time to feed them?" Tom asks. His voice husky from sleep. I jump slightly. From startle. Not flashback.

"Always." I smirk. I feel victorious. He chuckles.

"What would I ever do without you" he said dramatically. I giggle. Too over dramatic. I feel like hes really changed. It's only ever around me but hes finally...human.

"Die. Just drop dead" I giggle jokingly. He chuckles and nods his head.

"I just might" Tom said. I giggle again and Amir is finished. So I quickly burp him and wipe his mouth.

"Dipey change" oh god I hate that word but I hope as they grow they will be able to say the word so it will be easier. I think Tom read my thoughts because he chuckles. But I finish changing them.

"Do you want first shower?" Tom asked. I nod my head.

"Always" I giggle grabbing my clothes and going into the shower. Quick and to the point. I have no time today for a long one. So I grab soap and wipe my body down. I grab shampoo and rub my hair softly. Letting it just fall for a while. After I do my conditioner. Wash it out. And I'm out. Grabbing my towel and clothes I go to our room.

"Why do you always go so fast sometimes love?" Tom asked. I smile.

"Sometimes I feel as if I either really want to get back or really domt have time. One of these days I am going to take like an hour shower sp prepare yourself for that day I just need to soak" I say. Drying my hair with one towel. He chuckles.

"Or I could join you. The bath is big enough for two. Also I can have a house elf make a smaller tub that the boys can lay or just sit in. Water or not" he said. I put my finger to my chin. That would be fun. A family fun bath. Both soothing and bonding.

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