Chapter 1 -- Schooled

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"Orange," I said

"Orange?" The lady with the thick glasses replied.

"Yes, I see orange." I started again looking at the paper.

I was here at the Thriveworks Counseling in Boulder, Colorado. It was nothing new for me. All I have done the past few years is going from hospital to hospital to see what is wrong with me.

Of course, all of them had the same answers.

"We can't tell."

"You are fine, it's just trauma."

"You are absolutely healthy!"


It was all a bunch of bull shit they were telling me because they were scared to tell me the truth, or, they were scared to accept the truth themselves.

I already know I am special, how else do you explain my abilities? And let me tell you, nothing pisses me off more than someone telling me I'm fine. I can read emotions for god's sake!! I'm not fucking fine!

"Only twenty minutes till lunch," the lady thought, I rolled my eyes. I have always found it pathetic how almost every doctor or therapist I have seen has been so excited to get rid of me.

It's your job to help me, idiot.

"Honey, I am going to clear you, but I really think you should rethink your-"

"I'm fine. I am ready to go to school." I answered not letting her finish.

"Okay. But be cautious. This is the third time you have seen orange. And as I said before, that represents fear and happiness. A mixture that should be avoided. Please be safe. Have a good week." She said, waving me to the door.

I walked out cringing at the sudden blood feeling in my nose. Adults are so disgusting. I knew from how fast it was, it was definitely someone near me.

There. The secretary. Scrolling through her phone with a rather obvious blush. Boyfriend? Possibly. Inappropriate content? Most likely.

"Wait Miss Vancouver!!" The doctor yelled as she ran after me.

"Yes?" I questioned her sudden boost of energy.

"I almost forgot to tell you. Your appointment chart is being updated. I am moving my office to the upper level. Here is your new chart and my room number. Your next appointment is next week." She said as she handed me a yellow paper, with her office hours, room number, and phone number as well as a list of my next four appointments.

I smiled and gave a small "thank you" as I made my way to the stairs. I never took the elevator, it made me claustrophobic.

As I made my way down the stairs I looked out the window of the narrow stairway. It was raining. A gloomy and sad atmosphere to perfectly offset people's emotions. Yay.

I slowly made my way down the stairs, head down and ears focused on the rain.

Just as I was calmly looking out the window, a shocking headache, no, migraine, hit me. I felt the sudden dizziness mixed with the pounding in my throat of vomit.

I slowed to a stop as I looked up with my eyes closed, sometimes I wondered if my powers were a gift or just a curse.

I wasn't surprised that someone was feeling depressed at a therapist's office. But considering how heavy the migraine was, that person needs a hug.

Making my way back down the stairs, after I had gathered my thoughts, I felt myself lost in the trance of the rain falling. It was soothing and peaceful.

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