Lights Down Low

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The day had arrived, I sat eagerly on my desk chair nervously swiveling back and forth. He had given me his discord, and I sat alone on an empty vc anticipating his arrival. After what felt like an eternity, a quiet notification alerted his presence.


I instinctively smiled.


He chuckled softly, I was squeezing a stress ball to try and hold a grip on reality, everything about this was surreal.

"Nice to finally meet you, if I'm being honest I watched a bit of your content last night to prep for this race, but I think we'll have great screen chemistry," he paused, "for our business only content deal of course."

I could practically hear his grin.

"Not gonna lie, I did the same, but I know your weakness, Dream."

"And what might that be?"

"I guess we'll have to find out." My stomach flipped in excitement, this was going to get intense.

We established the rules of the race, there would be three rounds, each on a different random course that Dream had asked the admin to randomly pick.

"How do I know you didn't pay them to show you the maps beforehand?" I jokingly inquired.

"You're just gonna have to trust me"

I imagined his playful smirk, and I had to hold back laughter. I don't think I had stopped smiling since he joined the call.

"On that note, let's do this" I demanded, I had started recording before the event, to catch all the pregame banter, and I was glad I did.

<Admin> 3

<Admin> 2

<Admin> 1

<Admin> Go!

And just like that, we were off. I instantly switched into high gear and darted through the course, occasionally looking to my right to see where he was.

"Having any trouble?" I innocently inquired.

"Sweet of you to ask, but I think you're forgetting who I am." he immediately shot back.

"The green blob that lost to Technoblade?" At this point I was egging him on, trying to draw a reaction from him. He seemed so relaxed.

"The green blob that's about to destroy you" He finished, after effortlessly completing a difficult jump.

He's really on top of his game

I took a different approach, but waited for a lull in trash talk, finding an opportunity to throw him off. 

"Dream, what's the worst word you know?"

This caught him off guard, he burst into a fit of giggles.

"You can't just copy Tommy"

"But think, the clout!"

"Trueee, the views!"

"The subscribers!"

We kept this bit going, until the realization hit. We were so close to the end, it was neck and neck. We both launched ourselves in the air, preparing to land the final jump. A message appeared in chat.

<Admin> y/u/n wins the first round with a time of 03.30.07!

Just after appeared another message.

<Admin> Dream finishes second with a time of 03.30.09!

I let out an excited yelp, "GET OWNED, YOU FACELESS FOOT"

This earned me a wheeze, "Foot?" he questioned.

"You got a problem with feet?" I asked, still giddy from my first win.

"I don't think so, but I'm never gonna let you forget you said that" he laughed.

"For real though, that was insanely close."

"Milliseconds apart." 

His voice was so soothing, it successfully distracted me from the fact that we still had two rounds to go.

The second round soon started, and it was just as close. The entire force of my fingers was pressing down on the keyboard, as if it would somehow speed up my character. As I neared the final jump, chat updated.

<Admin> Dream wins the second round with a time of 03.24.17!

<Admin> y/u/n finishes second with a time of 03.24.30!

"Milliseconds apart" I repeated, under my breath. He laughed,

"You're cute when you're angry"

I had never blushed so hard in my life. Why did he have to be this charming? It was then I knew, I had to use my final trick, his one weakness.

Round three began, and we were off, swiftly moving from block to block. This went on until about the final third of the race, I had to make my move. I saw an upcoming section of straight jumps, and with my left hand I continued moving forward. With my right, I pinged someone on discord. Here we go.

Technoblade joined the game

"Wait WHAT?" Dream shouted, taken aback by what he just read. Soon enough, Techno started fighting Dream in the middle of the parkour. I couldn't hold in my laughter, I was practically rolling off my chair, my hands far away from the keyboard. Soon he joined in, and together we laughed until the Admin stopped the timer.

"The match appears to be unfinished," I commented, my stomach still aching from all of the laughter.

"Then it seems we'll need a rematch."

"You're on." I grinned, never had I filmed with someone who I clicked with so quickly. I hit stop recording, and was about to hang up the call when he stopped me.

"y/n wait, can I get your number? For future business plans obviously"

"Yeah for sure, no other reason right?"

"Definitely not."

I still couldn't stop smiling.


soo what do we think so far?
stay safe everyone xx
word count: 870

milliseconds apart // dream x readerWhere stories live. Discover now