Tongue Tied

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"Ready?" Dream asked, helping me out of the car. The iconic mickey mouse statue welcomed us into the entrance.

"Hell yeah. I still can't believe this is where you took me, you know how to treat a girl."

I'd never been to Disney World before, living in the North and all. So far, I liked what I saw. The atmosphere was magical, but that was mostly because Dream was there. There was no one else I'd want my first Disney experience to be with.

He grabbed my hand, giving me a quick peck on the cheek, before leading me through the archway. I was taken aback by the vast expanse of rides and attractions, each matching a certain aesthetic of the Magic Kingdom. 

"Where to first?" He asked.

"As if I would know, you're the expert here."

A sly smile appeared on his face.

"Splash mountain."

"Is that a water ride? I don't want to get wet."

He said nothing, and pulled me away towards the line.

"Dream, am I gonna get wet?"

"Look, we're almost at the front." He said, distracting me from the question.

"Take one." The person handling the line ordered, handing us each a plastic poncho. I gave Dream a look. He just laughed, and climbed into the log shaped cart. I reluctantly followed, sighing as I pulled the poncho over my head. As the ride started moving, he winked at me, while squeezing my hand.

"I would be more mad, if you weren't being cute, you aren't really helping my case."

His cheeks went a light shade of pink, I loved making him blush. 

"Get ready." He warned. I looked ahead, realizing we were quickly approaching a large drop. The slowed down, anticipating the waterfall. I prepared a light spray of water. Suddenly, I felt the gravity tug us downwards, and a wall of water came crashing down on the boat. Luckily my clothes stayed (mostly) dry under the poncho, but my hair was soaked. "DREAM!" I screamed, It was hard to stay angry though, seeing his innocent expression, and my face immediately relaxed into a smile. Once we reached the end, I climbed out and crossed my arms, my damp hair hanging in my face.

"What was that for?"

"I wanted to start off with a bang, plus you look so pretty with wet hair," He replied, clearly content with the first ride of our visit. He took a step closer, and tucked a strand of my water-ridden hair behind my ear. I nearly melted at his touch, his hand now trailing along my jaw.

"Where to next?" I asked.

"We can take it easy after that, let's go to the carousel."

"Sounds good."

We started walking over, hand in hand. Every color that surrounded me appeared just a little brighter than usual. Distant bursts of laughter danced through my ears. All of my senses were heightened, I wanted to pause time and take it all in. In the corner of my eye I noticed a small girl approach me, no older than 4. She stood holding her mother's hand, staring up at me.

"Excuse me, are you a princess?" She asked her eyes big and full of innocence. I looked over to her mom, she smiled and nodded. But before I could say anything, Dream stepped in.

"She is, this is princess y/n."

I followed his lead.

"It's so nice to meet you!"

The little girl turned to Dream.

"Who are you?"

"Her prince."

"You're lucky, she's pretty."

I bent down to meet at eye level with her.

"I hope the rest of your day is perfect,"

The girl giggled, and ran away to her mom, I looked back to Dream, who was glowing from the wholesome encounter.

"That was so adorable." He said, reaching for my hand.

"I know, she was so cute."

"I meant you."

I playfully pushed his shoulder, catching the small twinkle in his eye. In retaliation, he picked me up, I laughed and held on to him tightly.

"I have a surprise for you later," he said excitedly, still carrying me safe in his arms. 

I frowned, "Tell me now."

"You're just gonna have to wait." He replied, a small smirk appearing on his lips. He placed me down, and together we went to ride more rides. We went on a carousel, a few more rollercoasters, and he ended up buying me some Minnie ears, which I eagerly put on. As the daylight ran out, so did my patience. What was his surprise?

At about 8pm, I was beginning to feel a little drained, and the surprise still hadn't been revealed. I was about to mention my tiredness, but Dream had a different idea.

"Ok y/n, it's time."

We made our way across the winding cobblestone paths of Disney, the flourishing scenery becoming a faint silhouette in the moonlight. Purple streaks painted the sky, and every star seemed to shine just a little brighter. The dwindling conversations of surrounding pedestrians filled the air with sound. But I could only focus on one thing, him.

We found a spot on the front lawn of the castle. He put a finger to his lips,

"Shh it's starting."

I sat in wonder, curious as to what was about to happen. Suddenly the crowd went silent, immediately following a big boom coming from the sky. The fireworks show, it was magical. Various shapes lit up the night, sparks were literally flying. It truly represented the feeling I felt when I was with him. I was so caught up in the flashing colors, that I almost didn't realize that he was tugging on my hand.


"Oh, yeah?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Time froze. My mind went blank and filled with thoughts at the same time. I thought back to the first kiss, the second, and every moment we shared after that. Surprising him at the hotel. Him giving me his jacket at the convention. Showing up at his doorstep a few days later. Waking up with him next to me. Going to sleep with him next to me. I wanted it, I wanted more of it, and I would never let it go.

"I hope this answers your question," I leaned in, kissing him with every emotion I felt in that moment. He returned it eagerly, through his perfect smile. He was mine, and I was his. Once separated, and now together, no longer milliseconds apart.

milliseconds apart // dream x readerWhere stories live. Discover now