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Incoming call from Dream

It was the night after the race, but I had replayed the memory so many times it felt like it had happened two seconds ago. I rushed to the mirror to make sure I didn't look unpresentable, I mean, we weren't facetiming or anything, but just in case...

I ran back to my phone and picked up, "Dream?"

"y/n! How are you?"

"Nice of you to check in," 

"I just wanted to talk to you."

This caught me off guard, he was making it so hard to ignore that adorable flirtatious quality he had. Well, not that I wanted too...

"I'm actually pretty great, this growth for my channel has done wonders for my career, balancing this and college might be tough, but I'm so grateful for all of this, and you."

"I'll be here for you the whole time"

There's that feeling again, I couldn't describe it if I tried. There's no way he likes me though, does he?

"Thanks, that seriously means a lot"

"Hey actually I was wondering, would you want a tour of the SMP? I can give it to you, unless you'd prefer Karl or Quackity or Tom-"

"No no I'd definitely want one from you, but yes of course that sounds like fun, imagine the clout!"

"So much clout"

He sounded relieved, it made me giggle. "I'm excited to see it all in person, but you're gonna have to catch me up, I haven't been paying close attention to the lore"

"It's no problem, honestly I'm having trouble following it at this point"

"Well then, you sound qualified to be a tour guide"

"I mean, obviously." He sarcastically remarked.

I yawned, "Dreaaaam it's getting late."

"Then sleep."

"You make it sound that easy."

"Ok, fair point, hmm, how about I try and sleep too? Team effort."

"Deal," I hesitated, wondering if I should finish the sentence.

 "But you have to stay on call, to prove you're actually going to sleep."

"I was gonna say the same thing, we'll keep each other honest."

I smiled, "Goodnight Dream."

"Goodnight y/n."

The small rustling noises and his low breathing were the perfect calm, allowing me to ease into sleep.


shorter chapter, I swear these get longer, hope you like it so far!!
stay safe xx
wordcount: 383

milliseconds apart // dream x readerWhere stories live. Discover now