His Anniversary

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Mo Yeon woke up early the next day and prepared for her first day of duty. Arrived at night the day before, the doctor didn't have the opportunity to admire Albania. It had warm weather and bright sky, more or less like Urk. She and other doctors did a check up for children to eldest patients. During her break, she typed some messages to Si Jin, feeling gloomy for she knew today was his death anniversary.

A male doctor visited Mo Yeon in her tent when she was get ready to go to a desert nearby.

"Here...every doctor who leaves the camp must bring this," he said while giving Mo Yeon a walkie talkie and smiled at her. "You're going to the desert? Do you need company?" he asked. The male doctor was from England, and just like Mo Yeon, he was in Albania for volunteer duty.

Mo Yeon smiled. "No, thank you. It's not far. I can go by myself."

He nodded and looked over to the table full with food and fruit, and also wine. "What is that for?"

"Oh..." Mo Yeon almost grimaced, realizing there was no custom for preparing a table in Europe. "It's a ceremonial table for death anniversary. I prepare the table because in my custom, the women will prepare for it." She pointed at the wine bottle. "As for that wine...actually, I have to prepare for cheongju, but it doesn't available here and I can't take one from my country."


"It's a traditional Korean wine made of rice." Mo Yeon blinked when she realized she talked too much. "I'm sorry," she chuckled.

The male doctor smiled. "It's alright. This is the part why I love to work with doctors from around the world. I can learn their culture. But, you were saying about death anniversary? For who?"

Mo Yeon only sighed sadly. "Someone who is very important to me." She took her small bag along with a bundle of flowers. "I won't be long."

"Ok...by the way, what is your call sign?"

Mo Yeon blinked.

Her call sign.

"Umm...I have one in Korean. It's Pretty One in English."

The male doctor chuckled. "It suits you, but I think Beauty is more appropriate for you."

Mo Yeon only laughed lightly. "Ok."

"I know it's kind of late, but I'm sorry you lost someone important."

The female doctor nodded glumly. "It's ok."

"Just take your time and oh...may I borrow your knife?"

"Sure." Mo Yeon gave the doctor her knife before walking out from her tent.

Promising to return soon and taking the walkie talkie with her, Mo Yeon started to walk to the desert, bag and flowers in hand. The more she approached her destination, the heavier her heart felt. With each step she took, she would finally say goodbye to Si Jin.

When she arrived at the desert, she arranged some stones, as a custom in her country, and then set the flowers on the top of the stones. A lot of memories assaulted her mind, when he tied her hair, Si Jin's promises, when he said he loved her, all of them just bringing sadness for Mo Yeon. She said once she would shed tears the last time for him and she really did it.

Someone on her walkie talkie asked her to bring lidocaine on her way back.

Mo Yeon quickly wiped her tears and said she would return soon.

She put the pebble next to the flowers, but for some reasons, the small white object fell down to the sand. Mo Yeon tried again, and it was still the same, as if it didn't want to be placed there.

At that moment, her walkie talkie buzzed again and she heard a voice she thought she would never hear again.

"Big Boss transmitting."

Mo Yeon's heart almost stopped.

For a moment, she only stood there unmoving.

Was it a dream?

She was sure she heard his voice.

But, if it wasn't a dream, and he was indeed still alive...

Mo Yeon quickly took her phone and checked her sent messages.

They were unread.

Perhaps, it was only her imagination.

But then, when she looked again at her phone, her messages suddenly changed to being read.

Her heart beat turned faster.

He's alive!

"Big Boss transmitting."

From the distance, she could hear the sound of a chopper.

Could it be real?

"Pretty One, turn around. Over."

Mo Yeon hesitated.

Should she do it?

What if it was only her imagination and she needed to sort her life again after this?

But, her feelings told her to just turn around.

At first, she didn't see a thing.

And then, a figure walked from the distance and Mo Yeon instantly recognized the person.

He was the one she mourned for a year, the one who caused her to cry almost two months after she learned about his death.

Instinctively, she moved forward.

"This can't be."

The closer she moved, the clearer she could see him.

He's still alive.

Overwhelmed by her feelings, Mo Yeon started to run only fell on her feet. He ran to her and held her shoulders. She could see him closely.

He looked thinner and haggard.

His face showed many dry wounds.

But, his eyes were the same when he said goodbye to her a year ago.

Tender and loving.

He helped her to stand and their eyes met.

"It's been really a long time," he said.

It was him.

Her Yoo Si Jin.

"You...you were alive?"

That was all she could say.

"I keep overcoming these difficulties."

And, he hugged her.

It was the moment Mo Yeon knew she was not dreaming.

"You were alive."

Si Jin hugged her tighter. "I'm sorry."

Mo Yeon could only closed her eyes.

"You were alive."

She hugged him in return, tears in her eyes, feeling her heart warmed, his presence filling the hole inside her heart.

She missed him so much.

Only him could do this to her.

Because Si Jin is her sun.

One year of mourning and sadness, between the reality of his death and the hope he was still alive, and now, he was here in front of her.

Mo Yeon's thoughts were jumbling around.

What happened to him?

What would happen after this?

What would happen to them?

Between her random thoughts, Mo Yeon knew one thing for sure.

Yoo Si Jin kept his promise to return when the season changed.


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