Chapter 1

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Work. Work. Work. If I could sum up my life in three words, that would be it. You could say why would you waste your life someone else like that? Well, I don't. I work for my best friend's publishing company and I own small shares. So I am technically working for myself. But that is not the problem here I am in love with my best friend Jin. Jin: what a beautiful name for a beautiful man God just does not get enough credit for making him; and this fine specimen is shipping me off to the Korean branch. I didn't want to leave this place I call home and my one and only family my best friend.

I never told him I love him because of what it might do to our friendship, I wish my life is a fanfic and he also feels the same way about me but is just too shy to tell me. But life is not a fanfic and you have to work with what you got, also I think he has a crush on Lucy, his secretary.


"wha...what. what? what?" I said as I accidentally crushed the ice-cream cone in my hands. It was Lucy the beautiful secretary of my crush. I came to the Ice-cream store in front of our office with Lucy because I grew fond of her, she is bae.

"You seem to space out a lot lately, are you alright"

'Do I look alright to you?' of course I couldn't say that so I said "just stressed because of my transfer."

"At least you will get to see a lot of eye candy while you are there."

"Sure, whatever" I brushed it off.

"Anyway, can you give this fanfic a read? I  wrote this for V and want you to show this to him," she asked with her puppy dog eyes.

"Lucy! I am your boss" I stated

"I know but we are not in the office."

"Fine give it here," I said as I snatched the booklet from her hands

"Quite the material you got here."

"I am a big fan"

"I'm sure you are." I nodded as I skimmed through the material in my hands

"Lucy! why would a guy hire a teenager to babysit a teenager? and even if he did isn't this dude rich: what about the background check and interview?"

We chattered for a long time and then went back to the office to get some work done, I couldn't start packing yet. I just had to hear it from his mouth. Something just wasn't right. It was fishy that he never said it face to face and was avoiding me since morning.

Finally, when the office was cleared I could see him face to face by forcing my way into his office. windows till the ceiling greeted me with a brilliant pink sky from the setting sky and there he was focused on his paperwork looking sharp, smart, and maybe a little hot. 

There was a slight blush on my cheeks maybe it out of frustration or of how handsome he looked I had no idea.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. Our eyes locked as he looked up and said "Minji?"

"Why the heck would you transfer me, you piece of shit!" I said my blood boiling

"I am your boss," he said calmly

"I know, but I want to help you here!!! take care of things you know."

"You will be of more help if you go to Korea for me."

"If you don't listen to me I sell my shares and work for the ice cream shop across the street." I threatened.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows and said "Just accept it and leave already."

at this point, tears started forming inside my eyes "Why are pushing me away? this is not your decision isn't it?"

"What does it matter?"

"It matters to me," I said as a slight sob escaped my lips "You have been avoiding these days, and do you have any idea how lonely I felt"

"I also think that it would be best if you went"

tears streamed from my eyes, it hurt not because he decided to send me to another country but because he chose to avert his eyes when saw me crying like an idiot.

"You know what? I'll go, at least then I won't have to bother with a sorry ass of a best friend" I said as I wiped my eyes and stormed out of his office. I didn't even look back as I went outside and balled my eyes out sitting on a park bench. It wasn't even raining to hide my tears. I looked like a complete idiot with a swollen face and red eyes.

Later that night I decided to get super drunk and forget all about Jin, tomorrow I would start a new life, a new me.

"Yeah yeah

Yeah just one, day one night

If only I had just one day
I want to peacefully fall asleep intoxicated with your sweet scent
If there's a chance in my busy schedule
I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes" I sang as I drunk and staggered on the streets. It was all going well until I came face to face with a sobbing Lucy her blond hair a mess and holding a handkerchief over her red nose.

"Lucy!!! I can't believe now I am dreaming of YOU!!!" I said as I pointed my finger at her

"Jin is engaged," she said as she burst into tears again

"CONGRA-TU-LA-TION on getting engaged to Jin," I said very dunk

"Not to me, Minji he is marrying some rich girl. It hurts Minji" she said as she hugged sobbing even more.  

I didn't know what to do so I awkwardly patted her as she sobbed. At that moment, I thought of how pathetic I was and then it started to rain and the clouds started to rumble.


It is my first fanfic like ever, so if you would like to please give me suggestions in the comments and don't forget to vote.

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