Chapter 5

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" President Suco, nice to meet you. I am Director Kang," he said with a fake smile 

"Good to meet you too, Director Kang," I said, as I stood up and returned the fake smile.

"I hope you all the arrangements I have made for you," he said, probably referring to the way all the employees here treat me.

I smiled " I love them so much, I will defiantly return double this debt one day"

"This is nothing Ms. Suco"

"Trust me, Mr. Kang, I am a woman of my word"

"Please enjoy your lunch, President Suco," he leaned in closer to my ear and continued, " Since I am good-hearted, I advise you to stay away from Mr. Kim"

"I also leaned in closer to his ear and whispered "Since I am also good-hearted, I advice you to stay within your limits Director Kang"

"Alright then, I will take my leave," he said as he left 

"Aish, such a drama queen" someone piped. Everyone's heads turned to that person in shock including mine and Taehyung's.

A man stood near the entrance with hair burning red, a smirk on his face, and an attitude of not giving a shit. Commanding attention just as much as the Director. Exactly the kind of person I needed at this moment, I have to get this guy on my side.

The man walked in and slammed me trapping me between the window and him. What was with this guy? A sharp jaw, green eyes, and nice features; I mean he is good looking, not as tall as Taehyung but he was tall for an average person. But this attitude is shit, I need this guy so I will have to tolerate it.

"So, you are the President. Apparently, President's have a lot of money. Are you Rich?" he asked narrowing his eyes. Everyone in the Lunch area watched as if they were watching a Drama take place.

"So what? what if I am rich" I said composed

he smirked, "Then, how about we get married?"

At this Taehyung dragged him back by his collar and said "Slow down kid"

" If it isn't the infamous V," the redhead said 

"You are right I am Infamous, what about you," Taehyung said with a smirk of his own.

It was impossible to stop the fight between them, Turns out the guy's name was Seojin and he was the only rebel left in the company. As of why he is still in the company, it was because he is Director Kang's own son. I guess the apple fell from the tree this time. Today was a long day of piled up work, bad treatment, and occasional eye candy from Taehyung. I was happy to get back to the hotel, to say the least.

After getting back from the shower the phone suddenly started to ring, it was Jin.

"I am sorry," we both said simultaneously and a small chuckle escaped our lips.

"I'll go first," said. I nodded even though it could not see me.

he continued " I am so sorry, I didn't have a choice but to send you there to sort things out or at least stall things for a while. Director Kang has been purposefully lowering the quality of work in the Korean branch to get the shares at a low price and I tried to stop it by getting engaged to his daughter, but I felt like things were still bad behind my back. That's why I had to send you; because Minji you are the only one I trust more than myself"

" I know, I am sorry I lashed out on you," I said my voice barely coming out.

"I am sorry, but I didn't have a choice but to send you there"

"Friends are supposed to lean on each other, I know you would do the same for me," I said " Why the fuck would you get engaged"

"You know that Director Kang owns the majority of our Korean shares right?"

"Yeah, but what about the international ones"

"Well Director Kang turned the majority of them to his side, We were practically finished before I found out that his daughter was madly in love with me?"

"You idiot! do you have any idea how angry and frightened we were? Lucy was balling her eyes out for you."

"She cried for me?"

"Of course she did? she likes you, Now you are playing with two girls. You stupid jerk!!!"

"I didn't know"

"anyway take care of yourself, mama Minji will take care of things here"

A chuckle could be heard from the phone, it's been since I have heard him laugh like this. He was going through so much on his own, this idiot could have told me something about the situation. 

"Sure mama Minji, don't be hard on yourself. It's okay if we lose the company, we will go and live in the forest like we always wanted to."

"That's comforting I guess, you too don't be too hard on yourself" 

After catching up with Jin, it was clear as day what my current situation was. I need to fire a lot of employees under Director Kang, to do that I need more shares. Right now Seojin has the most shares after his father in Korea. I need him on my side.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day. Better get some sleep.


Just so you know this is not a love triangle. And I am sorry there is too much info dump in this chapter. Also, thank you for reading, and have a great day ^_^.

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