Chapter 2

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After waiting for hours, it was finally time to leave for Seoul. As a music publishing company, we will have to deal with many idols and artists. Even though I am a high-level employee, I have always chosen to work behind the scenes it was an important step to take to protect my self-esteem. It doesn't mean I avoid them entirely, but I interact little with them. But now I won't be able to do that because I will be the head of our Korean branch.

I got my boarding pass checked and boarded the flight and got to my seat. I tried to shove my cabin bag into the overhead bin above the seats, but it wasn't budging at all.

"Need some help?" someone said in a deep voice as the man helped me put my bag inside the bin.

I turned behind to get a better look at my savior and his beautiful dark brown eyes stared right at me. He had eyes that could cut like a knife, eyes that could look through a soul. He was tall and had a dancer's body with his blue hair covering his forehead an angular face with a sharp jaw and thin lips. Suddenly he moved forward toward me as someone pushed him from behind.

"Sorry," he said breaking me from my trance

" I mean for helping me," I said as I mentally facepalmed myself because of how awkward I made.

he simply smiled and motioned for me to sit near the window. I slightly nodded and we both took our seats. He had a dangerous aura about him and I knew exactly who he was. 

"Hi, I am Kim Taehyung though, I am mostly known by the name V," he said lifting his hand prompting a handshake.

"Oh I know who you are, I am Minji Suco. A pleasure to meet you." I said as I put my small hands into his big ones and we shook hands. His hands were warm and somehow made me feel safe.

"Returning from a concert? you look tired" I said as looked at faint traces of dark circles under his eyes.

"Is it visible? I need to get some sleep or my manager will kill me," he answered pressing his temples with his thumbs.

I had no idea how to answer that so there was just an awkward pause before he said

"then, Goodnight Minji-shi," he said as he adjusted his seat into a comfortable position and instantly fell into a deep sleep.

There was still a long time before the flight landed and I was bored so I took out my phone to check up on my messages.

Lucy: Hey Minji, I am also taking a transfer and I will meet you in Korea in a month hopefully.

Minji: What the hell????

Lucy: It is hard you know facing Jin every day like this. By the way, I found out who he was engaged to.

Minji: I am glad you'll be here but I'd rather not know who his fiancee is

Lucy: Isn't he your best friend?

Minji: More like Ex best friend

Lucy: huh??????

Minji: don't ask, it's a long story

Lucy: I'll talk later your 'Ex best friend' is calling me.

Minji: 🙄 alright then I'll talk to you later.

Lucy:😘 call me after you land.

Minji: Sure

"Ma'am would you like a drink?" The flight attendant asked me with a bright smile on her face.

"I'd like a black coffee, thank you."

"Sir, sir?" the attendant said as she tried to wake him up

"You can let him sleep"

"Are you related to him ma'am?" 


"Then please let me do my job," she said as she tried to wake him up again. I get it he is handsome and you want to get to know him but he was sleeping like a baby for god sake give him some privacy.

"I mean I blood related, I am his girlfriend," I said 

"oh," she said with a look of distaste at me

"also could you get a fruit juice after an hour or so?" 

"sure ma'am, anything else?"


She walked away carrying her tray and I was left alone, sort of. Slowly I also decided to read a book that I bought. Soon I became immersed in the book I was reading. 

"What is under the witch's skirt?" Taehyung read the name of the book aloud.

"You woke up. How are you feeling?" I said as I slowly stuffed the book inside my bag as nothing happened.

"I feel my best, it's been a while since I took such a good nap."

"That's great," I said smiling

"Here the juice you ordered ma'am," the attendant said interrupting our conversation. 

I took the apple juice in my hands and said "Thank you, you can go now," prompting her to leave us alone but she just stood there looking at Taehyung.

I cleared my throat to make her leave but she was so shameless she would not leave at all. "Please leave, it's getting uncomfortable," I said which made her leave reluctantly.

"Thank's for making her leave," Tae said relived.

"No, she was just annoying" I handed the juice to him and continued "This for you I read somewhere that juice helps you fell refreshed"

"I hope you didn't read it in 'What is under the witch's skirt?'" he said as he burst out laughing

"Oh come on!!!" I said playfully hitting him as my cheeks flushed a bright pink.

"fine," he said as he raised his long thin arms in surrender holding the apple juice in one hand. He continued taking a sip "Bu.. Eww!!! this tastes like crap"

I burst out laughing "Sorry she probably thought it was for me."


That concludes chapter 2 hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote and comment: They make me feel motivated, they're like fuel you know.

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