Chapter 4

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'Perfect' I thought, checking out my reflection in the hotel mirror. I wore light makeup and an elegant pastel-colored suit. All dressed up, I called a cab to take me to the new office. Passing through the Han river remained me of last night. I could not even imagine what would happen to Aera if I wasn't there. I didn't ask about the details because I was afraid she would think I was nosy, but I couldn't help but think why she is out that late at night? 

I cab stopped near a tall building I got out and took a deep breath before entering inside. Our office was on the 7th floor so I waited near the elevator with a bunch of people, none of them as eye catching as Taehyung. Why was I thinking about him when I just got heartbroken? I had no idea. 

The ding from the lift indicated that the lift was finally here, it was packed by the time the doors closed and it was very hard to breathe. Our Korean branch was not that successful, so we didn't exactly have the best services here. 

Suddenly someone slammed the wall of the elevator right beside my head trapping me between their arms. It was a tall man with a slender body that somehow felt familiar. He was wearing a mask, a hat, and glasses so I could not see his face at all.

 'Maybe it was a celebrity who came to sign with the company' I thought and shrugged it off, but there was something in the air that made my heart race like crazy.

Finally after what felt like an eternity I elevator doors opened and everyone got out leaving only me and the tall guy inside. Right after the door closed he turned to me and removed his mask revealing himself to me.

"Remember me" It was the guy I could not stop thinking about. Yup, you guessed it; it was Taehyung.

"Oh my god! It's you." I said wide-eyed.

"You know? If I didn't know any better I would think that you were stalking me." 

I thinned my lips at this remark and said "In your dreams Mr. Hotshot, maybe it's you stalking me?"

he gave out a slight chuckle at my response. "Maybe?"


At this, he burst out laughing. "I was just kidding, but you should have looked at your face. PRICELESS!"

"Shut up...."

The elevator dinged and doors opened I quickly got off and Taehyung also got off which was a bit sus, I mean why would such a big star come to our company. Only mid-ranked musicians usually come that too seems to happen on rare occasions.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked raising my head slightly to look at him

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I asked for an answer, not a question," I said smiling but this guy was testing my patience

"Okay, I'll answer if you answer first."

"Fine, I wanna know because I am the president of this company"

"Wow, now that is an unexpected twist of fate. So you are the new president"

"Now it's your turn to answer I believe"

"Ah. Ms.President, you see I would love to answer your question but you're late for your meeting"

I swiftly glanced at my watch and this guy was right, How the heck did he know when my meeting was? 

"This conversation is not over." I piped before I quickly fast-walked towards the meeting room. It wasn't that hard to find my way around the office.

The meeting was disastrous, to say the least. Everyone had such conventional believes that they were not ready for any kind of change. apparently, no one listens to the president around here and all the power here belongs to the director Kang. It could a lot out of me sitting through the entire meeting. Maybe this was why Jin sent me here and I lashed out at him like an idiot. I'll have to apologize to him after I get him.

"Sooo?" Taehyung said as I opened the door

"Sooo?" I said walking towards the lunch area

"How was the meeting?" he asked concerned

"Disastrous." that was the only word I could use to describe it. "You knew about it, didn't you?" I continued.

he nodded in response "It was not my place to tell you, I am here as an intern. It's for a movie role"
"good for you," I said as I grabbed a plate from the buffet table and gave it to him.

"I am sure, it will get better for you too," he said 

"Salad?" I asked

he nodded, I started to fill his plate with a bit of salad later doing the same for myself as well.

"Who is this Director Kang anyway? I cannot believe he didn't appear for the meeting" I asked clearly very curious about him.

"I don't really know much, I only started yesterday. Maybe you should try asking your secretary?" he said biting his lips.

"don't bite your lips," I said out of habit, Jin bit his lips all the time and I always had to tell him not to do it. I missed him already.

he instantly stopped and looked into my eyes with an unexplained emotion 

"Chicken?" I said quickly breaking the eye contact

"yes," he said putting his plate out.

After we filled up our plates we found a free spot near the floor to ceiling windows. Nobody besides Taehyung was even making eye contact with me something was fishy, something was very fishy.

"Do you usually do that to everyone?" Taehyung asked 


"taking care of, I mean"

I looked at him confused. before I could think anymore suddenly everyone in the office stood up and a huge man, who looked like he was about 60 walked in. Everything about screamed power and position. Wearing a jet black suit he towered over everyone there apart from Taehyung.

"That is Director Kang," Taehyung said 

The huge room was dead silent.

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