Chapter 3

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*Trigger warning: this chapter contains scenes of harassment.

The flight landed in Seoul after a long time. The long journey had finally come to an end, and there was a pit in my stomach. Maybe I would never meet him ever again. This could potentially be the last time I see him, and that thought made me a bit sad. As we went near the gate, the dread kept growing.

"I guess this is as far as we go," he said as he adjusted his mask and hat on

I nodded 

"Goodbye," he said and walked away before turning back and continued "Best of Luck" winking in a cute way.

"You too, and Call me maybe?" I said as I formed a call motion with my hands

"Sure," he said turning back and slowly walking away. And there I was smiling like an idiot forgetting the fact that we never exchanged phone numbers.

After that, I called a cab went to a hotel and collapsed on the bed sleeping for hours. Then I ordered room service, took care of work. I didn't get to examine much but the hotel room was bigger than I thought, it was an expensive hotel and I took a room with a king-size bed covered in soft white sheets, tons of pillows and a huge white comforter. The room had many golden details everywhere.

*Trigger alert

By the time I was done it was late but I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to go outside to get some air. it was a stupid idea but I was bored and didn't have any friends in Korea yet. Slowly I walked towards the Han river with a slight flush on my nose because of the cold weather. There was barely anyone on the streets beside me and lit street lights to keep me company.

A high school girl started to swiftly walk towards me and a scary-looking man following her closely behind. I always carry a small taser with me at all times for scary situations like this, but I never got to use it yet.

"Hey there Unnie I finally found you," she said as took my hand in her hands and squeezed it in fear.

I froze in shock and fear, I had no idea what to do in such a situation, I also squeezed her hands "Yeah where have been, I waiting for a long time"

 the man started still move forward with an even bigger smile on his face. We also started to take off our footsteps echoing. With one hand I was holding the young girl and with the other, I clutched the taser in my pocket tightly. My heart beating faster with every step I took, we took a turn into an alleyway with houses all around us.

The man started to whistle as he got faster following us closely behind us. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, my heart felt like it was about to explode when I took the taser out and struck him in his gut. And then we made a run for it to my hotel.

The girl was shaking and looked like a cute kitten in harsh weather. So I offered her food cause my hotel provides food 24/7.

Clutching a hot mug of hot chocolate with her trembling she said " Thank you so much unnie, I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for you"

"Anyone would have done the same, you should probably report to the police tomorrow," I said as I took a sip of my black tea.

"yeah your right," she said in a barely audible voice

"Why is a highschooler doing on the streets this hour?" I asked sternly

" Unnie I am not a highschooler!!!"

"WHAT??" that was a shocking revelation I swear she looked like a high schooler and she was even wearing a damn high school uniform. I gained my composure and continued " Do you think I am stupid? you are even wearing a uniform."

"Actually I am an Idol who is about to debut, and this is my costume for my shoot today. My name is Song-Aera"

I had nothing to say at this point.

"Unnie, I would like to pay you back someday so, could you give me your contact number."

We ended up exchanging numbers and turns out Aera is kind of a big deal in her company. And apparently, she was only 3 years younger than me. 

I went back into my room and examined myself in the mirror. I had dark brown hair, fair skin, and plump lips, and dark eyes I was pretty but in a very ordinary way. I didn't even compare to idols cause. Jaw and nose look kind of weird and I had cheeks. In Korean beauty standards, I wasn't that pretty. I do turn heads sometimes when I am walking on the streets but I had no idea if it was because I was pretty or I looked odd. 

After today's heart-pumping adventure I felt kind of weird, but tomorrow was my big day I would work here as the head of the branch and I want to make a good impression. Something felt ominous. If something goes wrong tomorrow, I have no idea what I am going to do.


That is it for chapter 3, thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!! I am very sorry that nothing much happened in this chapter but this is a very important chapter so bear with me. I swear it gets better.

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