Birthday Wish

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Happy Birthday Alex!

Alex POV
This morning it's my birthday. It doesn't really matter to me as I'm just another year older and no ones really cared until now.

I wake up to see Eliza with a violin, Peggy with a saxophone, Herc with an electric guitar, Laf with an acoustic guitar and John with a microphone. The best thing is there all in so weird sunglasses. They start playing.

"Yo Alex, this ones for you."

"Happy birthday" John rapped, everyone replied: "Ha-Ha-Happy birthday"

"25! Guys!"

"Holy Crap your old!"

I actually almost started crying because people actually cared about my birthday. It was almost the happiest day of my life, other than when I came out to Jackie and he accepted me.

It was the moment before I came out to John. The feeling everyone gets before they do it.

"J-John?" I said as I stuttered.

"Yes?" He replied back with a warm smile.

"I-I need to talk to y-you" I said as brave as I can. I knew I was going to cry like the cry baby I am.

I started crying a little with my head in my hands.

He put his hand on my knee and said: "Are you ok?" He said worried

"Yeah I'm fine..." I said back wiping my tears.

"You know you can tell me anything?" I said, he's to kind for his own good. "Yeah." I took a deep breath and did it.

"I-I-I-I'm bi..." I kind of mumbled the last bit.

He started laughing and I was so scared. "Alex! You know I'm gay!" "W-Wait What?".

End of flashback
I was such an idiot. He'd never done anything to hurt me. Well not since the fight.

"Can you just take a break for once! As soon as I get home your just typing like your running out of time!" He yells while crying. "No for a matter of fact I can't stop! I have so much work to do! I have an essay for Washington, a portrait for (insert name) and so much more! Anyways why do you even care?!" I yell trying to be strong "Maybe because I love you!" He slaps me doesn't say anything else runs up to his room and doesn't come out for a long time.

End of flashback

"Alex, Alex? You there?" John says waving a hand in front of my face. "Yeah?" I say back. "It's time for cake!" Laf squeals and then the rest of them squeal too except for Jackie, he turns bright red? What the hell are they so excited about cake for and why does Jack turn red about cake? We walk down stairs with multiple people covering my eyes. Multiple people yell "open!" And I look to see:

 Multiple people yell "open!" And I look to see:

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I gasped and they broke into song:

"Happy Birthday to You" I almost cried.

"Happy Birthday to You" I started crying.

"Happy Birthday Dear Alex" I started laughing.

"Happy Birthday to You" I blew out the candles.

"Now," John began and held my hands and the rest of them ran of to the living room. "I know it's not my birthday but my birthday wish is that-." He kissed me. He KISSED me on the LIPS. On the LIPS. "I was with you." He says breathlessly. "Well, we have the same wish then" I pecked him on the cheek and happily skipped off.

Best. Birthday. Ever.

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