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I love reading your comments guys. Feel free to comment your reactions, feelings or opinion about this chapter. I read a comment last chapter and he is angry. 

I loved that.

Keep 'em coming.

 xoxo lovelots and muwah!



[@ttwnaeshetics tweeted: Tay was kidnapped?] 29 replies | 1.2K likes | 2.0K retweets

I can feel my hands starting to shake because of what I just read. I am trying to press the tweet to see the interactions and comment underneath it.


Have you watched a horror movie where the lead character seemingly sees a dead person in front of him? That is how I can describe my expression when I saw him. I immediately run towards Tay and hugged him tightly.

"Are you okay?" I can recognize his concern with the tone of his voice.

"I-I saw a tweet online and I thought something happened to you," I explained.

"Calm down, nothing happened to me okay? I just finished shooting for School Troopers and I immediately went out to see you only to find you here trembling. What were you talking about anyway?"

I showed him my phone and we read the thread that I am trying to open earlier.

[@ttwnaeshetics tweeted: Tay was kidnapped?] 32 replies | 1.8K likes | 2.2K retweets

[@hello_cutienina replied to @ttawanesthetics: I never heard that story before. Can somebody confirm that?] 4 replies | 60 likes | 82 retweets

[@ttwnaesthetics replied to @hello_cutienina: Same. I already watched every interview of Tay and I don't remember him saying that narrative.] 1 reply | 45 likes | 57 retweets

[@santaybaby replied to @ttwnaesthetics and @hello_cutienina: What is happening?] 1 reply | 1 like | 3 retweets

[@hello_cutienina replied to @santaybaby and @ttwnaesthetics: They already released the teaser for Tay's life story. Based on the video, Tay was kidnapped when he was a kid.] 1 reply | 5 likes | 12 retweets

[@whatdawhale_tawan replied to @hello_cutienina and @ttwnaesthetics: Maybe they added that part for some drama. You know how television do drama for views.] 1 reply | 21 likes | 78 retweets

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