50: Ennik

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2:00 PM

After cuddling with him on the couch, Tofu dozed off to sleep. He looked cute, though. He's turned into a tiny ball of fur.

I washed my hands in the kitchen. I picked the chocolate chip cookie I baked and set it down on the side. I turned the electric kettle off and poured the hot chocolate drink into two cups. I grabbed a tray and put all the snacks into it. My guest will be here in a few minutes. I can't wait to see him and hear what he wants to say.

Moscow has been serene these days. There were no more bombings. The horrible news on TV were replaced with romantic ones.

DING DONG! He's here.

I sauntered to the door and opened it. "Privyet, Ennik," he said.

"Hey, Zurich. Come in."

He entered the house and I led him to the living room. We sat on the couch and I offered him snacks.

"Is there anyone else here?" he asked.

"It's only me. Mamushka went out for business. She'll be back in the evening."

"Oh. Didn't Vale asked you out?"

I shook my head. "Vale had gone out of town with his family."

He stirred a spoon on the hot chocolate. "Too much has happened these past few months. I'm amazed you got through all of it."

I grinned. I suddenly remember Avery. She went back to USA yesterday. She told me she's got something to take care of. She needs to figure out where ARMOR is headed next.

"If you need back-up, I'll be there," I assured her. She taught me how to fight. It was so kind of her to impart to me some of the skills she learned from her dad. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have protected Vale that night.

"You sure you're into this?" she asked. She was waiting for her flight in the airport. We both wore caps so no one can identify us.

"Yeah. I wanna be your apprentice."



"Help me find out who ARMOR's next target is."

"What's CUNJUR?"

"China. USA. North Korea. Japan. UK. Russia."

"Oh, it represents 6 countries?"

She snapped her fingers. "Six countries with the strongest military. After USA and Russia, I don't know what's next."

I became quiet. It seems like a hard job. We haven't gotten to ARMOR's territory yet. Worst, I killed the only ticket I have against them. That creepy old man also slipped from my grasp.

The alarm rings. The announcer is calling the attention of all passengers for the next flight.

"Don't tell anyone about CUNJUR. It should only be the two of us. Bye, Ennik."

I waved her goodbye. "Let's keep in contact."

Avery nodded and left.

"Actually," Zurich said. "A plethora of thoughts have been racing in my head."

I snapped out from my memories and focused on Zurich. "What is it?"

"I hope you won't mind if I bring up about my suicidal brother."

I coughed. "Excuse me." I suddenly felt bad. It's not what I want to hear right now. "I don't mind," I said anyway.

"Great. You know, my brother had won an exclusive trip to China in a raffle."

"So he went to China for free?"

"Yeah. He didn't tell us who the sponsor was, all he said is he got there and was taught how to make bombs and gun powder."

My heart stopped for a moment. "You mean to say, the explosives he used to bomb the bus were the same thing he created?"

"We have matching thoughts. It could also be that those terrorists were the ones who sponsored the raffle."

Confusion got the better of me. It does make sense but why would ARMOR waste money for that?

"I mean, I'm here to ask for your help, Ennik. I think my brother needs justice too."

I gulped. His brother was also a victim. He was blackmailed and paid just like papa.

Realization slowly hit me. I think I knew the answer to Avery's question.


That creepy old man. He went to the east side of the airport. The airplanes which would go to Asia lands on the east wing. Only one Asian country is available for flight that day and I saw it on the signages.


Oh, Bozhe. I need to tell Avery. As much as possible, I'll go with her.

I must fight the common enemy. I must put an end to these bombings. Terrorism should cease to exist in the world.

ARMOR, you can't hide forever. I'll hunt you down and slash your guts. You can't win this game. If you're confident, then stop hiding. Fight me.

Knives out!


It all ends here. I hope you like it, as much as I enjoyed writing it :)

Silhouettes of Russia - Book 2 of The ARMOR Series [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now